order management

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Il y a 6 ans

I need help that is there anyway to achieve like peoples who are managing orders cannot edit order products..like cant remove-add products/change price etc without admin approval or only admin(or specific role) can do that

I have checked in ACL but once give authority to manage orders that specific role can do anything in order

please help
Il y a 6 ans
You can certainly accomplish this, but it would require customization!

See calls similar to this in Nop.Admin.Controllers.ProductController -

        public ActionResult Delete(int id)
            if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageProducts))
                return AccessDeniedView();

Il y a 6 ans
Hi Mr.Adam,

In case its needed heavy customization then its very difficult for me as i dont have much experience in MVC..is there any plugin available to extend ACL features?

i thought that there should be some kind of plugin to extend functionality of ACL so that will be easy for everyone
Il y a 6 ans
monishrafi wrote:
Hi Mr.Adam,

In case its needed heavy customization then its very difficult for me as i dont have much experience in MVC..is there any plugin available to extend ACL features?

i thought that there should be some kind of plugin to extend functionality of ACL so that will be easy for everyone

Not that I'm immediately aware -  depending on how many new restrictions you need, it may be simpler just to modify (and annotate) your source code.
Il y a 6 ans

Currently I need that restricted user can change status and add shipping details only...rest things cannot be able to change as mentioned below

1.cannot change pricing on first tab

2.in products section cannot change anyhthing like delete edit and add product

Above basic things I need to add in acl as assigned roles only can be able to change only
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