AjaxCart.addproducttocart_details Problems

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Il y a 6 ans

Im having an issue where the FlyoutShoppingCart html is not rendering at the moment I click "Add to cart", I dont know if it is an issue of the latest version or if it is a backoffice option.

the button in question is
  <input type="button" id="[email protected]" class="button-1 add-to-cart-button" value="@addToCartText" data-productid="@Model.ProductId" onclick="AjaxCart.addproducttocart_details('@Url.RouteUrl("AddProductToCart-Details", new { productId = Model.ProductId, shoppingCartTypeId = (int)ShoppingCartType.ShoppingCart })', '#product-details-form');return false;" />

If Im not mistaken the public.ajaxcart.js is the Javascript that adds the functionality on the success.
addproducttocart_details: function (urladd, formselector)

If it is a success it goes to
success_process: function (response)

and it should render the html filled in the backoffice to the html property of the selector:
        if (response.updateflyoutcartsectionhtml) {

But for some reason is not applying the html to that selector. As a matter of fact, the selector is empty.

Appreciate the help.

Best Regards!
Il y a 6 ans
I presume you've edited the default HTML.

The \Views\Shared\_Root.cshtml has the following code:
<script type="text/javascript" >
   AjaxCart.init(false, '.header-links .cart-qty', '.header-links .wishlist-qty', '#flyout-cart');

You have to ensure that you have an element with "flyout-cart" ID (in the FlyoutShoppingCart.cshtml file)
Il y a 6 ans
a.m. wrote:
I presume you've edited the default HTML.

The \Views\Shared\_Root.cshtml has the following code:
<script type="text/javascript" >
   AjaxCart.init(false, '.header-links .cart-qty', '.header-links .wishlist-qty', '#flyout-cart');

You have to ensure that you have an element with "flyout-cart" ID (in the FlyoutShoppingCart.cshtml file)

And you presumed well dear Sir :)

Thanks so much for the heads up, it seems the Theme Im using 'forgot' of this script.

Best Regards!
Il y a 2 ans
I'm creating a new functionin public.ajaxcart.js file using NopCommerce 4.3
But when i'm trying to access that function , then it show me error like "this is not a function".
please give any suggestion if someone have any idea about that?
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