plugin routing nop 4.00

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Il y a 6 ans
I cant configure custom routes for a plugin

public void RegisterRoutes(IRouteBuilder routeBuilder)
           routeBuilder.MapRoute("Plugin.Misc.WebServices.Settings", "Api/Settings",
                new { controller = "Api", action = "Settings" });


the above does not work

I wish to access the controller and action without the admin area
like it use to be in nop 3.9

Il y a 6 ans
Hi hezyz,

I see that the only one plugin with a custom route in nopCom 4.0 is Paypal standard.

When I was adapting my payment plugin had a problem with routing because was using the CheckMoneyOrder plugin how my starting point.
Happened that the Controller was decorated with [AuthorizeAdmin] and [Area(AreaNames.Admin)] then if not place the /Admin in front of Url the action not works and receive page not found error messages.

Maybe this has some relation with your problem.

Best Regards.
Il y a 6 ans
hi nop team

anyone can address this issue
this the route

            routeBuilder.MapRoute(name: "areaRoute", template: "{area:exists}/{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");

the route I have set, in the first post, does not work although it gets hit

How can I define a new one in a plugin, with out the admin
for example

I have 2 mobile apps that depends on this base url

please advice
Il y a 6 ans
Il y a 6 ans
hezyz wrote:

I can go through your code if you share your code it with me.

I also use, i.e  [Route("api/checkout/opccheckoutforguest")] like this .. it also works for me.

Note: try like
on Action
Il y a 6 ans
sohel wrote:

I can go through your code if you share your code it with me.

I also use, i.e  [Route("api/checkout/opccheckoutforguest")] like this .. it also works for me.

Note: try like
on Action

hi thanks
its working, but i was thinking of setting a route for all the actions
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