nopCommerce 1.70 is coming in 10 days. Beta testers needed.

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Il y a 13 ans
Will there be any way to add custom specification attributes? Like likes for manuals or links to images or mechanical drawings. I have products that have specifications values that is used only on that products. With the version in 1.6 or 1.5 I would have to make a Specification Attributes value for each product. I looked into the Product Specification Value Mod by Keith but am have a few errors getting it to work on version 1.5. Will 1.7 offer anything like this?
Il y a 13 ans
edcorusa wrote:
Will there be any way to add custom specification attributes? Like likes for manuals or links to images or mechanical drawings. I have products that have specifications values that is used only on that products. With the version in 1.6 or 1.5 I would have to make a Specification Attributes value for each product. I looked into the Product Specification Value Mod by Keith but am have a few errors getting it to work on version 1.5. Will 1.7 offer anything like this?

PM me and I can give you a hand getting it to work in 1.5,   im looking at 1.7 and how it can be implemented now.  Ill also check codeplex to make sure its entered as a request


Its here
Il y a 13 ans
will 1.7 run on win server 2003 and sql server 2005?

Il y a 13 ans
I wouldn't take this as the final word, but why not. .Net 4 works on Server 2003 SP2+ and I don't think theres anything in the new system that would require SQL 2008.
Il y a 13 ans
i will test
Il y a 13 ans
Some typos in new locale string resources in file: Documents\LocaleStringResources.sql

Line 201
  <LocaleResource Name="Admin.ThirdPartyIntegration.QuickBooks.Title">

The Value should be:

_ _ _

Line 213
  <LocaleResource Name="Admin.ThirdPartyIntegration.QuickBooks.Username.Tooltip">
    <Value>Username wich will be used by QuickBooks Web Connector to connect to Web service</Value>

The Value should be:
Username which will be used by QuickBooks Web Connector to connect to Web service

_ _ _

line 222
  <LocaleResource Name="Admin.ThirdPartyIntegration.QuickBooks.Password.Tooltip">
    <Value>Password wich will be used by QuickBooks Web Connector to connect to Web service</Value>

The Value should be:
Password which will be used by QuickBooks Web Connector to connect to Web service

_ _ _

Line 432
  <LocaleResource Name="Admin.Sitemap.PromotionProvidersTitle">
  <Value>Pormotions Providers</Value>

The Value should be:
Promotions Providers


Some minor capitalization issues in the same file:

Line 6
  <LocaleResource Name="Admin.GlobalSettings.GoogleAdsense.Title">
    <Value>Google Adsense</Value>

The Value should be:
Google AdSense

_ _ _

Line 12
  <LocaleResource Name="Admin.GlobalSettings.GoogleAdsense.Enabled.Tooltip">
    <Value>Check if you want to enable Google Adsense.</Value>

The Value should be:
Check if you want to enable Google AdSense.

_ _ _

Line 15
  <LocaleResource Name="Admin.GlobalSettings.GoogleAdsense.Code">
    <Value>Google adsense code:</Value>

The Value should be:
Google AdSense code:

_ _ _

Line 18
  <LocaleResource Name="Admin.GlobalSettings.GoogleAdsense.Code.Tooltip">
    <Value>Place your google adsense code here.</Value>

The Value should be:
Place your Google AdSense code here.

Il y a 13 ans
Suggestion: Change the administration menu item's (.sf-menu li a) display type from inline-block to block so that the entire menu item's width can be used for selecting the item instead of just the text. This makes it easier to navigate the administration menu since you can have the mouse cursor to the side of the text (for readability) and click anywhere (within the menu item) to select the menu item instead of having to move the mouse cursor back to the text to select the menu item. This functionality used to exist in versions prior to 1.50.

File: App_Themes\administration\styles.css (line 971)

change from:
display: inline-block;

display: block;

Il y a 13 ans
Just testing ProductsInLines.ascx with a featured product selected - displays non working link - maybe debug code ?

Featured products

    <asp:Panel runat="server" ID="pnlFeaturedProducts" class="featured-product-grid">
        <div class="title">
            <a href="~/Templates/Categories/ProductsInGrid.ascx">~/Templates/Categories/ProductsInGrid.ascx</a>

Further, even though you enter an image for the category it is not displayed with the text. Assume this is intentional can't see any code there or am I missing something ?

Ok what I was missing is the the image is displayed on the home page if the category is selected to display on the hompage.

To put it on the Category page assume I need to create a new category template and add the code to display image on the category page. Probably a large version along with the text

Is there a way to set the selecting of the image to be displayed for the category from the Site PictureBrowser rather than local pc browser?
Il y a 13 ans
SonicImaging wrote:
Andrei,  question about the Entity Framework 4.0....   Before 1.7 I used sql to delete and clean up the database before importing all my customers and orders from my live site

with the Entity Framework im running the following code,  but after a while some of the records start showing up again.  If I debug then check the database after the SaveChanges all the records are gone from the database.  Then if I stop debugging and check the database some of the records come back.  have you seen this before.   Does it have something to do with the cache?

// Delete all of the customers
            foreach (Customer customerItem in ObjectContextHelper.CurrentObjectContext.Customers)
                if (!ObjectContextHelper.CurrentObjectContext.IsAttached(customerItem))

            // Commit all of the changes

Still having the same trouble with the latest build.   It seems anytime I try to delete a group of objects within nop,  either with the above code or executing the sql directly from my importer (DELETE FROM Nop_Customer).  I even made a stored proc to delete all records.   after this when i get all the customer it returns nothing.  as soon as I stop the debugger the records start return.    So im assuming Entity framework is refreshing the records automatically.   it also seems that when you just get a single object, like a customer then delete that it works fine and stays deleted.

I did solve the problem by tracking the dependencies for the tables I want to delete and generating a script to run outside nop.

Il y a 13 ans
A method name (renamed in 1.70) in two controls has a typo.

File: Administration\Modules\BestSellersStat.ascx.cs (line 50)
public string GetProductVarianUrl(int productVariantId)

should be:
public string GetProductVariantUrl(int productVariantId)

File: Administration\Modules\BestSellersStat.ascx (line 11)
<a href='<%#GetProductVarianUrl(Convert.ToInt32(Eval("ProductVariantId")))%>' title="View product variant details">

should be:
<a href='<%#GetProductVariantUrl(Convert.ToInt32(Eval("ProductVariantId")))%>' title="View product variant details">

File: Administration\Modules\SalesReport.ascx.cs (line 127)
public string GetProductVarianUrl(int productVariantId)

should be:
public string GetProductVariantUrl(int productVariantId)

File: Administration\Modules\SalesReport.ascx (line 72)
<a href='<%#GetProductVarianUrl(Convert.ToInt32(Eval("ProductVariantId")))%>' title="<%#GetLocaleResourceString("Admin.SalesReport.Name.Tooltip")%>">

should be:
<a href='<%#GetProductVariantUrl(Convert.ToInt32(Eval("ProductVariantId")))%>' title="<%#GetLocaleResourceString("Admin.SalesReport.Name.Tooltip")%>">

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