upgraded from 3.60 to 3.90 - now catalog pages display no products???

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I've upgraded many nopCommerce sites in most versions, and this is the first time I have seen this problem.

The site I'm currently working on was a slightly modified version of nopCommerce 3.60..with a customized theme.

I set up a fresh, 3.90 no-source version site. Then I executed the 3.70, 3.80, and 3.90 SQL scripts to upgrade the old database. I changed the settings.txt to refer to the newly upgraded database.
There were problems with the custom 3.60 theme which caused some problems on some views...but the catalog views were showing products from each category.

I switched to use another 3.90 theme and now, no products appear in any catalog views. I switched to the Default Clean theme, and still the same problem.

I have looked carefully at the values in the database and see no problems with the data in these tables:

Also, my CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml is an untouched version 3.90 file, so I am perplexed why it isn't working.

When I view the category in the admin area and select the products tab, it shows all the correct products. All products are published. The site uses no ACL or Per Store permissions.

In addition, the subcategories do not appear at the top of the category catalog view for top-level categories...only the category description and title appears:

I even tried changing the category names and reselecting all products for a category but nothing seems to work...

Does anybody have any ideas about what the problem could be???

Il y a 6 ans
I thought the problem was just that the conditional statements weren't evaluating correctly for some reason:

@if (Model.SubCategories.Count > 0)

@if (Model.FeaturedProducts.Count > 0)

@if (Model.Products.Count > 0)

..but I commented out the 'if' statements and still no subcategories or products appear!!!

I now don't think that it has anything to do with the fact that it was an upgraded database because even when I add new categories and assign products to it, the problem still persists...no products appear on the CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml.

I'm still hoping somebody can suggest why I might be having this problem..
Il y a 6 ans
Maybe the problem is with one of the stored procedures??

Maybe one or both of them were modified in the 3.60 version and when I executed the upgrade scripts over the database, things didn't go well?

Would it be acceptable to replace the content of those two stored procedures with stock code, or do I need to run a create procedure script and then drop the old ones?

That didn't work...I tried replacing both of those stored procedures, restarted my application, cleared cache, still...no products appear in category or subcategory pages.

I just don't understand...
Il y a 6 ans
Hi Steve,

Not sure that it's possible to answer this question without debugging.
1. Do you use any third-party plugins in 3.90?
2. What category templates do you have in admin area > system > templates?
3. Also use SQL Server profiler to see what exactly SQL commands are executed (and see resuklt then) when a page is open
Il y a 6 ans
a.m. wrote:
Hi Steve,

Not sure that it's possible to answer this question without debugging.
1. Do you use any third-party plugins in 3.90?
2. What category templates do you have in admin area > system > templates?
3. Also use SQL Server profiler to see what exactly SQL commands are executed (and see resuklt then) when a page is open

1.  I have two 3rd party plugins installed at this point. One is the nop4you QuickMenu top menu widget, and the other is Foxnetsoft Speed Tabs on product detail pages, so I don't think that's the problem. Though, I'm so frustrated I might as well try uninstalling them...

2.  The only category template is ID# 1  - CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml

3. Ok, thanks. I'll try that if I can figure out a way to connect to a remote SQL db without RDP access...(shared hosting!!!@$#*&!)
Il y a 6 ans
Hello again-

I never figured out this problem. I was unable to utilize SQL Server profiler as this site is on a shared host, so I am clueless as to how I can proceed with debugging.

If anyone is interested in taking this on as a hired project, please PM me.

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