Images are not maintaining pixel size after upload

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Il y a 6 ans
I have been trying to upload images which are 2400px wide by 487px high.  I have maximum image size set to 1980 in media settings.  I have default image quality set to 100.  I am using this image as a main image for topic pages only.  Whenever I try to upload the image for the topic page, it shrinks the size to 1000px wide by 203 high.  I am not sure why this is happening. Can someone assist me?  

For the record, I have also tried storing pictures in the database as well as in the file system with the same result either way.

Il y a 6 ans
Il y a 5 ans
There is a configuration file buried for Roxy Fileman that you can change the upload height and width.


Below I updated Max_Image_Width and Max_Image_Height for one of our sites.

"FILES_ROOT":          "~/Content/Images/uploaded",
"MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH":     "2000",
"MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT":    "2000",
"INTEGRATION":         "tinymce4",
"DIRLIST":             "../../../Admin/RoxyFileman/ProcessRequest?a=DIRLIST",
"CREATEDIR":           "../../../Admin/RoxyFileman/ProcessRequest?a=CREATEDIR",
"DELETEDIR":           "../../../Admin/RoxyFileman/ProcessRequest?a=DELETEDIR",
"MOVEDIR":             "../../../Admin/RoxyFileman/ProcessRequest?a=MOVEDIR",
"COPYDIR":             "../../../Admin/RoxyFileman/ProcessRequest?a=COPYDIR",
"RENAMEDIR":           "../../../Admin/RoxyFileman/ProcessRequest?a=RENAMEDIR",
"FILESLIST":           "../../../Admin/RoxyFileman/ProcessRequest?a=FILESLIST",
"UPLOAD":              "../../../Admin/RoxyFileman/ProcessRequest?a=UPLOAD",
"DOWNLOAD":            "../../../Admin/RoxyFileman/ProcessRequest?a=DOWNLOAD",
"DOWNLOADDIR":         "../../../Admin/RoxyFileman/ProcessRequest?a=DOWNLOADDIR",
"DELETEFILE":          "../../../Admin/RoxyFileman/ProcessRequest?a=DELETEFILE",
"MOVEFILE":            "../../../Admin/RoxyFileman/ProcessRequest?a=MOVEFILE",
"COPYFILE":            "../../../Admin/RoxyFileman/ProcessRequest?a=COPYFILE",
"RENAMEFILE":          "../../../Admin/RoxyFileman/ProcessRequest?a=RENAMEFILE",
"GENERATETHUMB":       "../../../Admin/RoxyFileman/ProcessRequest?a=GENERATETHUMB",
"DEFAULTVIEW":         "list",
"FORBIDDEN_UPLOADS":   "zip js jsp jsb mhtml mht xhtml xht php phtml php3 php4 php5 phps shtml jhtml pl sh py cgi exe application gadget hta cpl msc jar vb jse ws wsf wsc wsh ps1 ps2 psc1 psc2 msh msh1 msh2 inf reg scf msp scr dll msi vbs bat com pif cmd vxd cpl htpasswd htaccess",
"FILEPERMISSIONS":     "0644",
"DIRPERMISSIONS":      "0755",
"LANG":                "en",
"DATEFORMAT":          "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm",
"OPEN_LAST_DIR":       "yes"
Il y a 5 ans
@dwyly Thanks
Il y a 3 ans
The images uploades on the product description are not responsive (doesn't take max-with 100% on mobile browser)... user experience is not cool.
Any idea how to fix this please?
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