ver 1.6 Now on Godadday Runs Very Slow with Administration

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Il y a 13 ans
I have searched this forum up an down to see if anyone else has had an issue like mine.  I see that some have had slow site problems with other hosting companies but they don't resemble the same problems that I am having.

Background:  I am brand new to using nopCommerce and am learning the ropes through using the website and studying the code (a very slow process).  From what I see, the code seems well thought through... opens dbase... closes dbase, etc.  I used Godaddy's application feature to automatically install the application and database.  As it turns out, I had to delete the dbase that was automatically set up and install with the ability to connect remotely as importing and modifying many products, categories, or manufacturers, at once, is not easy to do currently (I wrote seperate scripts to do this.)

The problem that I am having is that after I have uploaded products using the excel import function and when I go into the administration to edit the products and configure pictures, related products, etc... I am waiting, on average, 1 minute 30 seconds for the product information to load after clicking on the edit link.  I have set up the site and database using 2005 SQL Server (same as Godaddy) on my localhost to test, and I see that I am still getting a very slow response time, although not quite as long as the actual hosting (maybe 45 to 50 seconds).

I only have 45 products loaded and need to put thousands.  Has anybody else experienced this perfomance issue?  Has anyone been able to fix it?
Il y a 13 ans
yes - I've had the same problem with GoDaddy, and have decided to move away from them. I supported GoDaddy for a long time, but recently the performance has been poor and I've had several multi-hour outages.
Time to go.
(They also don't support .NET 4.0 so nopCommerce 1.7 won't work on GoDaddy)
Il y a 13 ans
I just got 1.6 loaded on for me this morning, lot's of coffee and the dew next few days.
Running FireFox the site is wicked slow.
Switched to Avant Browser (ie based) runs like a darn race horse front and back ends.
Tried Netscape, Orca.... all slow like fox.
I have a different asp cart, does same thing.
Il y a 13 ans
I am using GoDaddy from about three days ago and it was lame at first then got better. Now I am in the process of moving to IIS 7, hope that I do not have to reinsall 1 and 2 hope it is faster. Runnig IE8.

Il y a 13 ans
other than nopCommerce - i have other websites on godaddy, all are very slow, so i guess it's not just nopCommerce , Godaddy's server is very slow, all website works really slow...
Il y a 13 ans
Does anyone know if IIS6 may be causing some issues with importing/exporting products and languages???? I am at about wits end with this!?!?!

I have my fingers crossed that once the upgrade to IIS7 is completed I can use some of the these great features!!

Il y a 13 ans
I had been an avid user of php carts for sometime now.  Mostly ZenCart, but have been in mod mode with OpenCart lately.
On their forum I have read that folks do not enjoy GoDaddy for any thing other than registering their dots.....
Complaints of slow speed is listed there too.
As with this great cart software site, OpenCart lists Arvixe as a host provider.
I gotta tell ya, at 6 bucks a month for un-limited space, bandwidth, sub-domains, data bases (access & mssql) and six main domains for the asp dot net account, plus free install of this nice cart software.......I am one pleased S.O.B.
I just hope nopCommerce received credit as I did click through this site and twice in chat and once in email told the rep nopCommerce is why I wanna sign up with them.

Domains:    1 of 6
Sub-Domains:   0 of Unlimited
Domain Aliases:   0 of Unlimited
Databases:  1 of Unlimited
Mail Accounts:  1 of Unlimited
FTP Accounts:  1 of Unlimited
Statistics Sites:  0 of Unlimited
ODBC DSNs:  0 of Unlimited

*government should 'allow' us to be so gracious
Il y a 13 ans
I've set up a local server with only nopcommerce running and the exact database using 2005 SQL Server.  It's not Godaddy's servers... its got be the application.  I am getting the same response times.

As stated earlier... even running on localhost gives long lag times.  

I was looking into changing how the pictures are used throughout the site and database and it looks like it would take me quite a while to change the dbase to use the address of the pictures instead of using the binary.  I could save a little time by using the dbase to download into a dataset that holds the binary information and change the functions to use the dataset but that seems like it wouldn't be as efficient when browsing new items.

Currently, because of this lag time, this is not a good solution for my professional e-commerce needs and I can not seem to find a quick fix.
Il y a 13 ans
I just stepped through (VS 2008) the whole process of pictures loading in the product administration area.  Its not a wonder why the application runs so slow.  The amount of processes that have to run just for the page to refresh is absolutely crazy.  Some of this work should have been done with session state and datasets.  Also, it was a mistake to load every single product image into the database.  This is not a professional, efficient practice.  The images should be loaded into a directory and the addresses should have been saved into the dbase.  I understand the need to be able to alter sizes on the fly but there are so many other ways to accomplish this that I just can not understand the initial decision to use db storage.  For instance, by using images from directories, the data could be cached in the users session instead of constantly having to be pulled from the database every single time the page is refreshed.

I looked into figuring out how to change this and figure it will take about 6 months by myself with my current schedule.  That's just not going to happen.

It would be a good thing to accomplish as a team though and should be seriously considered.
Il y a 13 ans
Well, I am facing the same problem. The first load usually take around 1-2 minutes and the administration site even worst (3 mins).
I have setup an account at setcronjob and set a ping on a 10 minutes basic. But if the website doesn't have any activities for a period of time, cronjob will not be able to receive any response from my site.
Perhaps it really caused by godaddy server, and if this problem persist I might change to another hosting company.
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