Invalid object name 'dbo.Nop_Setting'

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Il y a 13 ans

I just got this error Invalid object name 'dbo.Nop_Setting'. during installation. Anyone ever get that? I cant seem to find anyone whoo has had the same issue.

Il y a 13 ans
anybody?! help!
Il y a 13 ans
Il y a 13 ans
What was the problem?
Il y a 13 ans
Remove the connection string from the connectionstrings config file - if the connection string is present you get this error.
Il y a 13 ans
acedev wrote:
Remove the connection string from the connectionstrings config file - if the connection string is present you get this error.

Thanks a lot ACEDEV.  Saved a lot of hair.
Il y a 12 ans
i'm sorry, but if i remove connection string, restart nopcommerce installation. but when it recreate connection the problem was the same.

help please
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