how to disable tabs in MyAccount ?

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Il y a 13 ans
I want to disable few tabs from the My Account Section, i tried to comment out ajax tab panel but it still shows in My Account..
Please guide me in a right direction how to remove tabs from My Account Page ...
Il y a 13 ans
Find Account.aspx.cs and in the function "Page_PreRender" just set Visible=false on the panel you want to hide, example.

To hide the Address tab just add:
pnlCustomerAddresses.Visible = false;

Il y a 13 ans
If i want to add new tabs, then ?
Lets say i want to add a tab that will show user's total posts on forum then how i will accomplish that ?
Il y a 13 ans
Add a new usercontrol in the modules directory, then reference it on the top of the account.aspx page like:
<%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="CustomerDownloadableProducts" Src="~/Modules/CustomerDownloadableProducts.ascx" %>

Then just copy&paste the TabPanel to add one more tab and rename it to call your new usercontrol.
Il y a 13 ans
jockesoft wrote:
Add a new usercontrol in the modules directory, then reference it on the top of the account.aspx page like:
<%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="CustomerDownloadableProducts" Src="~/Modules/CustomerDownloadableProducts.ascx" %>

Then just copy&paste the TabPanel to add one more tab and rename it to call your new usercontrol.

Thanks Joakim
Il y a 13 ans
I just added this in the new ascx file:

<asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" ID="phTotalPosts">
                    <div class="totalposts">
                        <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblTotalPosts" CssClass="statvalue" />

and i am getting an error message with underlines"GetLocaleResourceString"

"GetLocaleResourceString" does not exist in the current context ? why ?
Il y a 13 ans
Il y a 13 ans
abcd_12345 wrote:
I just added this in the new ascx file:

<asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" ID="phTotalPosts">
                    <div class="totalposts">
                        <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblTotalPosts" CssClass="statvalue" />

and i am getting an error message with underlines"GetLocaleResourceString"

"GetLocaleResourceString" does not exist in the current context ? why ?

Ok i fixed this error
but i wanted to add a new tab which will give total forum posts of the user
there is already a module that gives this value "ForumPost.ascx"
I added this in Account.aspx page:
<%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="ForumPost" Src="~/Modules/ForumPost.ascx" %>

Created Resource in database as MyTopic.UserPosts

Added this tab in account.aspx
<ajaxToolkit:TabPanel runat="server" ID="TabPanel1" HeaderText="<% $NopResources:MyTopic.UserPosts %>">
                        <nopCommerce:ForumPost ID="RewardPoints1" runat="server" />

Re-build the project

The good part is i am getting a new tab saying User Posts
but when i click on the new tab i see this:

Total Posts:

I don't see any values for these fields...why ?
Il y a 13 ans
Well, looking at the code in ForumPost.ascx.cs it looks like you first have to set ForumPost and then call DataBind in that class.
Il y a 13 ans
jockesoft wrote:
Well, looking at the code in ForumPost.ascx.cs it looks like you first have to set ForumPost and then call DataBind in that class.

Sorry jockesoft i didn't understand what you mean by that,

and one more thing > Logically forumpost.ascx works perfectly fine in forum section of the nopCommerce website

then why it is not working in the My Account Section ?
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