Kendo Grid doesn't show .00 on product price column in Areas > Admin > Views > Product > List.cshtml

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Il y a 5 ans
I was looking at the prices on the Product list page and noticed that when the price is an exact dollar amount i.e. $12.00 the column only shows 12. I see that there is a line of code that checks to see if the product is not a grouped product. This is where the price is being formatted i.e.

``` template: "# if(ProductTypeId != @((int) ProductType.GroupedProduct)) { # #: Price# # }  # "  ```

I've tried to manipulate the

``` { # #: Price# # } ```

section to see if I could change the format of the decimal that way, but it didn't work. Next I added this line of code

```  format: "{0:c2}"  ```

This line of code works so long as the template: . . . line of code is commented out.

My question is, how can I get the price column to display the .00 when the product is an exact dollar amount WHILE KEEPING THE template. . . logic?
Il y a 5 ans
template: "# if(ProductTypeId != @((int) ProductType.GroupedProduct)) {#" + '#: kendo.format("{0:n2}", Price)#' + "#}  #"


template: "# if(ProductTypeId != @((int) ProductType.GroupedProduct)) {#" + '#: kendo.format("{0:c}", Price)#' + "#}  #"

2nd option displays as currency
Il y a 3 ans
How to do this on nopcommerce 4.4?
Il y a 3 ans
    function renderColumnPrice(data, type, row, meta) {
        return (row.ProductTypeId != @((int)ProductType.GroupedProduct) ) ? parseFloat(data).toFixed( 2 ) : null;
Il y a 3 ans
I found a more effective solution
Intl.NumberFormat('vi-VN', { style: 'currency', currency: 'VND' }).format(data)
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