images for buttons

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Il y a 13 ans
I am using the nop classic theme.  My question is I would like to change the add to cart and wish list buttons on the detail page to actual image buttons. Can this be done and if so how?

Thanks in advance
Il y a 13 ans
the class used for the add to cart is: productgridaddtocartbutton

You can do something like this in the styles.css located in the app_themes/themename/ dir:

display: block;
position: relative;
background: #86be40;
padding: 3px;
margin: 5px;
color: #fff;
text-decoration: none;
cursor: pointer;
border:1px solid green;
background-image: url('/app_themes/themename/images/button_transparent_overlay.png');
background-position: bottom;


The button overlay you can get here. You may use it if you want

Below are the  class names for all buttons:

.productlistaddtocartbutton, .productgridaddtocartbutton, .productemailafriendbutton,
.productaddtocomparelistbutton, .productvariantaddtowishlistbutton, .editaddressbutton,
.deleteaddressbutton, .cancelrecurringorderbutton, .orderdetailsbutton, .orderdetailsprintbutton,
.updatewishlistbutton, .applycouponcodebutton, .updatecartbutton, .continueshoppingbutton,
.orderprocessedcontinuebutton, .submitpollvotebutton, .cancelforumtopicbutton, .forumsearchbutton,
.forumsearchboxbutton, .cancelpmbutton, .deletepmbutton, .backpmbutton{ }

.searchbutton, .contactusbutton, .newsitemaddcommentbutton, .blogpostaddcommentbutton,
.productvariantaddtocartbutton, .productwritereviewbutton, .loginbutton, .registerbutton,
.checkoutasguestbutton, .savecustomerinfobutton, .addbillingaddressbutton, .addshippingaddressbutton,
.changepasswordbutton, .registernextstepbutton, .completeregistrationbutton, .passwordrecoverybutton,
.newpasswordbutton, .saveaddressbutton, .sendemailafriendbutton, .checkoutbutton, .selectshippingaddressbutton,
.newaddressnextstepbutton, .selectbillingaddressbutton, .sameasshippingaddressbutton,  
.shippingmethodnextstepbutton, .paymentmethodnextstepbutton, .paymentinfonextstepbutton,
.confirmordernextstepbutton, .submitforumtopicbutton, .submitpmbutton, .replypmbutton,
.deleteselectedpmbutton, .reorderbutton, .minicartcheckoutbutton, .newsletterbox-subscribebutton, .useragreementbutton, .productgridproductdetailbutton, .productlistproductdetailbutton{ }

Il y a 13 ans
Thanks for the reply I will give this a shot.

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