Unable to load some administration pages

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Il y a 13 ans

I recently installed nopcommerce from source -> publish on a remote webserver. Unfortunately, I am unable to load any webpage that uses the ajaxToolkit DLL. I've looked at the references of my ASP.NET project and I have in the references folder a link to AjaxControlToolkit and in the publish folder, there is a AjaxControlToolkit DLL in the bin directory.

When debugging, the controls load fine, its only when I attempt to publish/deploy a debug version on a remote webserver that nothing works... i'm guessing this might have something to do with my publish settings or something...

The website does seem to load the DLL since if I remove the DLL from the folder, it will give me a error message that it is missing an assembly, an error that goes away the moment I put the DLL back.

Page load does not seem to be ran at any time.... this issue confuses me.

Is that a common issue? I've searched the forum and was unable to find anything...
Il y a 13 ans
it's not a common problem - it could be your webserver - who are you hosted with?

check that you have set your server to use asp 4.0
Il y a 13 ans
Discount ASP (http://www.discountasp.net/)

I recall it working some time ago. Could it be related to a switch in IDE? I used to work with Web Dev Express/C# Express but I switched at some point to VS2010 Ultimate.

Also, I forgot to mention that the MasterPage is loaded correctly so I guess something goes really wrong when IIS tries to process the content of the master page (to a point where even the Page Load is not even ran...!)

Wish there was at least an error message or a log file somewhere to help me out ;-)
Il y a 13 ans
So it would seem that I was mistaken.

My understanding of deployment of ASP.NET websites was very flawed. My page load was executing properly, I was just uploading the .ascx page and not the generated DLL which did nothing to the codebehind of my deployed code giving me the impression that the page load was never executed.

I was then able to circumvent my problem to a css styling issue: It would seem that the once transformed to HTML, the TabContainer component adds an annoying 'visibility:hidden;' style attribute to the tabcontainer.

I tried removing the styling files in the APP themes folder for the administration module but all I got was an ugly page with still no tabcontainer. Also tried reverting the app_themes folder to the original version distributed with nopCommerce.

So, im still stuck, but im closer to a solution.
Il y a 13 ans

Did you ever get this resolved?  I'm having the same problem.  All of my tab's are hidden so administration is pretty much useless at this point.  I just upgraded from 1.3 to 1.8, if that makes a difference.

Il y a 13 ans
Oh, and from 2003 to 2008 R2 server.
Il y a 13 ans
I 've the same problem. Has anybody solve this issue? If we overwrite the bin folder the issue is fixed. But after a half day the Ajax probelm come back.
Il y a 13 ans
Beagle wrote:
I 've the same problem. Has anybody solve this issue? If we overwrite the bin folder the issue is fixed. But after a half day the Ajax probelm come back.

Yes, I just fixed mine about 5 mins ago.  My issue was an IIS/Plesk Control Panel issue.  When Plesk creates a website, it uses it's own handler mappings in IIS.   Since plesk does not support .net 4.0 yet, I had to manually switch my app pool and all to use 4.0 instead of using the control panel.  There were only a handful of handler mappings and ScriptResource.axd was not one of them.  I told my website to revert back to the parent, which is the "default" IIS install before plesk gets involved.  When I did this, I had about 5 times as many handler mappings and the scriptresource.axd was now in the list.

I said all that to say this, check to see if you have the following mapping in your handler mapping on your website in IIS.  



System.Web.Handlers.ScriptResourceHandler, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35

or you maybe able to add this to your ConfigSections at the top of the web.config.  I can not try this now since I can't go back to the previous mappings easily.

<section name="scriptResourceHandler" type="System.Web.Configuration.ScriptingScriptResourceHandlerSection, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" requirePermission="false" allowDefinition="MachineToApplication"/>

Control panels are nice for some things but a royal pain for others, especially when they are slow to adapt new technologies like 4.0 framework.

Hope this helps someone as it took me several hours to find.
Il y a 13 ans
Thanks for your answer. I love PLESK :(
Il y a 13 ans
Thanks WaltDjr, you're a lifesaver! I have spent hours trying to get to the bottom of this with no luck at all. Managed to get it fixed in minutes with your solution.
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