Ignore accent on search module

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Il y a 13 ans
This could help French users or any language with accents like é, à, ï, etc.

How to do this : in [Nop_ProductLoadAllPaged] store procedure, add you collation in ALL patindex function calls
Exemple : patindex(@Keywords, isnull(p.name, ''))
becomes : patindex(@Keywords, isnull(p.name, '') COLLATE French_CI_AI)

How does it work : changing sql collation 'on the fly' is just a way to temporary change rules for string comparison.  
You only have to choose which rules you need for search function.
My example uses French_CI_AI, that means French, Case Insensitive, Accent Insensitive
Il y a 13 ans
Thanks Nicolas for such a great tip, very helpful for any store on a latin language.
Il y a 5 ans
IS this working in 3.9 too with full search indexing on?

i try to change the

'PATINDEX(@Keywords, p.[Name]) > 0 '
'(PATINDEX(@Keywords, p.[Name])COLLATE Greek_CI_AI) > 0 '

and nothing happened
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