TxType error

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Il y a 13 ans

I need to add a value to the TxType field but can't locate the field in the admin area. I'm using nopCommerce 1.60.

Please can anyone help?


Il y a 13 ans
pclifton wrote:

I need to add a value to the TxType field but can't locate the field in the admin area. I'm using nopCommerce 1.60.

Please can anyone help?



Hi Paul, I'm guesssing you mean
Tax category:

so forgive me if i've gone off on the wrong track

go to admin --> configuration --> tax --> tax classes

click add new  ( remember to save it after )

your new class will appear in th edrop down list on the product page

Il y a 13 ans
Hi Hayden,

Thanks for your email. I've tried what you've suggested but I'm still getting the following error:


Status Detail: 4006 : The TxType requested is not supported on this account.

The value I need to put in the field is "PAYMENT", does this help at all as to where I might find the relevant field?


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