Contact Page

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There are 3 blank boxes in the Contact Page. I am trying to add the word "Name" for 1st box, "Email" for 2nd box, and "Message" for the 3rd box so that the users know which field is which. Does any one have any clues?

Il y a 13 ans
tombanh wrote:

There are 3 blank boxes in the Contact Page. I am trying to add the word "Name" for 1st box, "Email" for 2nd box, and "Message" for the 3rd box so that the users know which field is which. Does any one have any clues?



To change text within that box in the log in / register page

Go to admin section >   Content Management   >   Localization  

You will see a drop down menu to select language > select your language (English)

Now you will get a long list of items/resources.

Go to 32 page and look for these Resource Names:

ContactUs.E-MailAddress  E-Mail Address    Edit
ContactUs.Enquiry  Enquiry  Edit
ContactUs.FullName  Full Name  Edit

click on Edit

now you will get a page > you can change the text according to your requirement in  "Resource value:  "

(Remember: DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES IN  "Resource name:  ")

Let me know if you face any problem....
Il y a 13 ans

Thank you for your quick reply. I have checked all Resource values are correctly set.

What I meant to say was adding the word "Full Name" to the left next to the 1st field, "Email" next to the 2nd field, and "Message" next to the 3rd field so users know which field is for what rather than 3 blank boxes.

Here's the link to the site just so you know what I mean:

Would it be possible for me to do this:




Il y a 13 ans
Thanks abcd_1245! Your response was correct! All "Resource value" are there. I just couldn't see it because of the white background. I might have changed the font color to "FFFFFF" by accident. Now I have to go back and see if I can find it in CSS file and change it back.

Il y a 13 ans
Good that everything is working fine at your side...

Let me know if you need any help, if you dont find me here, you can post your question on my website forums as i am available on my website most of the time...
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