Cannot save product variant

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Il y a 13 ans
I imported two products using the Excel import feature. All seems to be working well, except that when I go to the Admin->Catalog->Products->ManageProducts, edit the first product, and select the Product Variant page, I cannot save any changes. The Preview button works, but the Save button does nothing. Everything else is working in the store.

The generated html code for the button is:

<input type="submit" name="ctl00$cph1$ctrlProductVariantDetails$SaveButton" value="Save" onclick="javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions(&quot;ctl00$cph1$ctrlProductVariantDetails$SaveButton&quot;, &quot;&quot;, true, &quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot;, false, false))" id="ctl00_cph1_ctrlProductVariantDetails_SaveButton" title="Save product variant" class="adminButtonBlue" />

What could be wrong?
Il y a 13 ans
Check for an entry in System/Logs (or the application logs on the server/PC). It might be throwing an exception, but because of a try/catch, it isn't displaying the error.

If there is something applicabl, you can take it from there.

Il y a 13 ans
Thanks for that try -- and I do need to be checking that log, but nothing there. The button behaves as if nothing happens, where every other button refreshes the screen.
Il y a 13 ans
Okay, a little javascript debugging provided the answer -- but I think the problem is a bug. The page did not validate because I had set the cycle length and total cycles to 0, even though this was not a recurring product. I also had the the Notify Admin for Quantity below was 0 (since manage Stock was "Don't track inventory for this product"). All these prevented the page from validating. However, there was no indication the page had not validated.

There are two errors here -- first, the excel import should prevent invalid entries, and second, there was no indication the page was invalid -- especially since the recurring product errors were hidden since I had not selected "Recurring Product" (and similarly w/ "Don't Track Inventory ...").
Il y a 13 ans
Thank you clermont ;)
I confirm, i had the same problem. I've imported my OScommerce products table as 0 on [CycleLength],[CyclePeriod] ,[TotalCycles]. The bouton save   oh the admin product variant page didn't work. I changed my values to 1, and all is in order ;)

But, i would like to know, if it is the correct value that i should leave for all my product variants (Note : i dont use Reccurent product ) ?
Il y a 13 ans
I used CycleLength = 100, TotalCycles = 10, and CyclePeriod = 0. As I recall, they are the default values in the code when adding a product using the Admin interface.
Il y a 13 ans
Same issue with 1.90 !! not fixed yet ?
Il y a 13 ans
You could just add the following code to the ImportManager.cs file, in the ImportProductsFromXls method, after it reads the data from the row

if (CycleLength == 0)
    CycleLength = 1;

if (TotalCycles == 0)
    TotalCycles = 1;

if (NotifyAdminForQuantityBelow == 0)
    NotifyAdminForQuantityBelow = 1;
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