SagePayPaymentProcessor VendorTxCode issue

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Il y a 13 ans
Not sure if this has been covered (if so excuse the newb error) but I thought I'd best post it.

I was made aware of a bug in SagePayPaymentProcessor.cs , method GenerateCryptField .

Line 101:
cryptBuilder.AppendFormat("VendorTxCode={0}", order.OrderId.ToString("N"));

This causes the orderId value to be formatted with comma delimiter after breaching the 1000 value. eg. 1,000.

SagePay refuses this and throws an error:
STATUS: Invalid
Status Detail: 3035: The VendorTxCode format is invalid

To fix this I removed the formatting parameter on the ToString call.
cryptBuilder.AppendFormat("VendorTxCode={0}", order.OrderId.ToString());

Hope this helps others...
Il y a 13 ans
Thanks for info
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