Simple Product Catalogue

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Il y a 13 ans
I am very new to nopCommerce.
I want to create just a very basic product catalogue without any price information, checkout feature, user registration.
I just want to showcase my product and if someone wished then the person should be able to send and email enquiry.

How can I achieve this by nopCommerce.

Thanks in advance.
Il y a 13 ans
in admin-->configuration-->global settings      'products' tab   tick the box beside 'Hide prices for non-registered customers'

go to the 'other' tab   and select   'registration method'   'disabled'

next you will want to remove the links to the cart -

again, in admin-->configuration-->global settings     untick  'Show mini-shopping cart'   ( remember to click save )

then, edit
remove  ( or comment out ) the cart links and the register link eg:


<li><a href="<%= SEOHelper.GetShoppingCartUrl()%>" class="ico-cart">
                </a><a href="<%= SEOHelper.GetShoppingCartUrl()%>">(<%=ShoppingCartManager.GetCurrentShoppingCart(ShoppingCartTypeEnum.ShoppingCart).Count%>)</a>

                        <li><a href="<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/register.aspx")%>" class="ico-register">
                        <li><a href="<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/login.aspx")%>" class="ico-login">


see where that gets you to and ask if there is anything else you need

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