Always display products instead of subcategories

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Il y a 13 ans
Hi all,
the navigation in nopcommerce works like this: for each category that contains subcategories, a grind of subcategories is displayed. For each category that has no child categories, a grind of products that belong to this category is displayed.

Is it possible to always show product grinds, no matter if there are subcategories or not?

Category 1
     subcategory 1.1
     subcategory 1.2
Category 2

What I mean is that if user selects "Category 1", there should be displayed alla products that belong to subcategory 1.1 AND products that belong to subcategory 1.2.

Can you help me in this?
Il y a 13 ans
I made some modifications on ProductsInGrid.ascx.cs. For now, I have only managed to get the first page of products for each subcategory. I need to get ALL products from each subcategory though, not just the set of products of first page from each subcategory. This is the code I'm using:

if (subCategories.Count > 0)
                var productCollection = ProductManager.GetAllProducts(this.CategoryId,
                    0, 0, false, minPriceConverted, maxPriceConverted,
                    string.Empty, false, pageSize, this.CurrentPageIndex,
                    psoFilterOption, orderBy, out totalRecords);

                foreach (var cat in subCategories)
                    var subcatProducts = ProductManager.GetAllProducts(cat.CategoryId,
                    0, 0, false, minPriceConverted, maxPriceConverted,
                    string.Empty, false, pageSize, this.CurrentPageIndex,
                    psoFilterOption, orderBy, out totalRecords);


                if (productCollection.Count > 0)
                    this.productsPager.PageSize = pageSize;
                    this.productsPager.TotalRecords = totalRecords;
                    this.productsPager.PageIndex = this.CurrentPageIndex;

                    this.dlProducts.DataSource = productCollection;
                    this.dlProducts.Visible = false;
                    this.pnlSorting.Visible = false;

                if (productCollection.Count == 0)
                    productpager.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none");
Il y a 13 ans
Is there any way to fix the previous piece of code? Can you help me?
Il y a 12 ans
Hi ktsixit,

Do you find solution for your idea?
Thank's for reply.

Il y a 12 ans
Hi Kurko,
It's been a lot time since I created this post. I have found a solution but I don't remember all the details:) I'm posting the code I created anyway, you could test it and see how it goes.

file: Templates/Categories/ProductsInGrid.ascx. Replace dlProducts datalist with the following:
<div class="product-grid">
        <asp:DataList ID="dlProducts" runat="server" RepeatColumns="3" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"
            RepeatLayout="Table" ItemStyle-CssClass="item-box">
                <nopCommerce:ProductBox1 ID="ctrlProductBox" Product='<%# Container.DataItem %>'
                    runat="server" />
    <div class="clear"></div>

file: Templates/Categories/ProductsInGrid.ascx.cs Replace BindData() and dlSubCategories_ItemDataBound() functions, using the following:
protected void BindData()
  var category = CategoryManager.GetCategoryById(this.CategoryId);

  rptrCategoryBreadcrumb.DataSource = CategoryManager.GetBreadCrumb(this.CategoryId);

  lDescription.Text = category.LocalizedDescription;

  var subCategories = CategoryManager.GetAllCategoriesByParentCategoryId(category.CategoryId);
  if (subCategories.Count > 0)
    dlSubCategories.Visible = false;
    dlSubCategories.Visible = false;

  //featured products
  var featuredProducts = category.FeaturedProducts;
  if (featuredProducts.Count > 0)
    dlFeaturedProducts.DataSource = featuredProducts;
    pnlFeaturedProducts.Visible = false;

  //price ranges
  this.ctrlPriceRangeFilter.PriceRanges = category.PriceRanges;

  //page size
  int totalRecords = 0;
  int pageSize = 10;
  if (category.PageSize > 0)
    pageSize = category.PageSize;

  //price ranges
  decimal? minPrice = null;
  decimal? maxPrice = null;
  decimal? minPriceConverted = null;
  decimal? maxPriceConverted = null;
  if (ctrlPriceRangeFilter.SelectedPriceRange != null)
    minPrice = ctrlPriceRangeFilter.SelectedPriceRange.From;
    if (minPrice.HasValue)
      minPriceConverted = CurrencyManager.ConvertCurrency(minPrice.Value, NopContext.Current.WorkingCurrency, CurrencyManager.PrimaryStoreCurrency);

    maxPrice = ctrlPriceRangeFilter.SelectedPriceRange.To;
    if (maxPrice.HasValue)
      maxPriceConverted = CurrencyManager.ConvertCurrency(maxPrice.Value, NopContext.Current.WorkingCurrency, CurrencyManager.PrimaryStoreCurrency);

  //specification filter
  var psoFilterOption = ctrlProductSpecificationFilter.GetAlreadyFilteredSpecOptionIds();


  ProductSortingEnum orderBy = ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn;
  if (SettingManager.GetSettingValueBoolean("Common.AllowProductSorting"))
    CommonHelper.SelectListItem(this.ddlSorting, CommonHelper.QueryStringInt("orderby"));
    orderBy = (ProductSortingEnum)Enum.ToObject(typeof(ProductSortingEnum), int.Parse(ddlSorting.SelectedItem.Value));

  var productCollection = ProductManager.GetAllProducts(this.CategoryId,
    0, 0, false, minPriceConverted, maxPriceConverted,
    string.Empty, false, pageSize, this.CurrentPageIndex,
    psoFilterOption, orderBy, out totalRecords);

  if (productCollection.Count > 0)
    this.productsPager.PageSize = pageSize;
    this.productsPager.TotalRecords = totalRecords;
    this.productsPager.PageIndex = this.CurrentPageIndex;

    this.dlProducts.DataSource = productCollection;
    this.dlProducts.Visible = false;
    this.pnlSorting.Visible = false;

protected void dlSubCategories_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataListItemEventArgs e)
  if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
    var category = e.Item.DataItem as Category;
    string categoryURL = SEOHelper.GetCategoryUrl(category);

    var hlImageLink = e.Item.FindControl("hlImageLink") as HyperLink;
    if (hlImageLink != null)
      hlImageLink.ImageUrl = PictureManager.GetPictureUrl(category.PictureId, SettingManager.GetSettingValueInteger("Media.Category.ThumbnailImageSize", 125), true);
      hlImageLink.NavigateUrl = categoryURL;
      hlImageLink.ToolTip = String.Format(GetLocaleResourceString("Media.Category.ImageLinkTitleFormat"), category.LocalizedName);
      hlImageLink.Text = String.Format(GetLocaleResourceString("Media.Category.ImageAlternateTextFormat"), category.LocalizedName);

    var hlCategory = e.Item.FindControl("hlCategory") as HyperLink;
    if (hlCategory != null)
      hlCategory.NavigateUrl = categoryURL;
      hlCategory.ToolTip = String.Format(GetLocaleResourceString("Media.Category.ImageLinkTitleFormat"), category.LocalizedName);
      hlCategory.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(category.LocalizedName);

I think that's all you need. Let me know if that worked for you.
Il y a 12 ans
Version Nopcommerce 1.8? I have tested Nop 1.9 .... but error! Please help me for this.
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