Cannot Import Products/eCommerce Data into MailChimp Using MailChimp Plugin

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Il y a 4 ans
I am using nopCommerce 4.2 and the free MailChimp plugin from Market Place ( and I am unable to pass in products or any ecommerce data and keep getting the following error:

Short message  
MailChimp error. Unable to find the resource at
Full message  
MailChimp.Net.Core.MailChimpNotFoundException: Unable to find the resource at
   at MailChimp.Net.Core.Helper.EnsureSuccessMailChimpAsync(HttpResponseMessage response)
   at MailChimp.Net.Logic.ECommerceCartLogic.GetResponseAsync(QueryableBaseRequest request)
   at Nop.Plugin.Misc.MailChimp.Services.MailChimpManager.<>c__DisplayClass68_1.<<GetCartOperations>b__2>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at Nop.Plugin.Misc.MailChimp.Services.MailChimpManager.HandleRequest[T](Func`1 request)

Can somebody advise if I set this up wrong.   I have customers flowing through without issue.


Sean Flaherty
Il y a 4 ans
Can I get an update please.  MailChimp Support says it's an issue with the API call being made but seeing is this isn't my plugin integration I cannot fix that so could use some guidance here.
Il y a 4 ans
Not sure how many here use that plugin, but you may get a faster response from nopCommerce by submitting an issue at either of these links:

At a glance, it sounds like the API request is successful but Mailchimp cannot find anything to associate it with for the response.  Did you connect your store?

I'm assuming if so then your mailchimp store id is 19087?

I would download the source code from the github link above and step through it so I could see exactly how the request was being sent.  Also worth looking into so you can see what Mailchimp sees on their end:
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