Access Control List

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Il y a 13 ans

Am I correct is seeing that there are only 4 user levels under the Access Control List on the demo? Is it possible to create more? Also when a user is created - so for example 'Global Administrator' - if that administrator has not been given access to an area of the CMS will those links appear still to that administrator?

Can anyone help please?

Il y a 13 ans
out of the box:

when a user is created, current administrator can go to 'manage customers' and tick the ' is administrator' box to make them also an administrator.

you can go to customers-->customer roles
to create as many new roles  as is needed

go to   configuration--->Access control list and use this to define what an administrator can do

enable ACL  

    BUT   ....   remember to assign yourself a global administrator role before you enable the option otherwise you will get locked out of admin :(
Il y a 13 ans
Hi there

Sorry I was looking at what you said but what I want to do is supply my client (the website owner) with an administrator login but not give them access to certain functionality, and I don't want that functionality to acutally appear in the navigation. For example if I use nopCommerce as purely a CMS for clients that don't have an ecommerce website I don't want the catalogue appearing in the navigation.
Il y a 13 ans

if you want to hide items based on administartor role, read this topic to see if it helps:

but more easily, if it's just about hiding menu items if you use the application purely as cms

in the administration folder, open admin.sitemap  and comment out (or delete)  the nodes you want not to appear
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