3 Columns - Is this a standard option now?

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Il y a 13 ans
Hi All

I've been reading a thread about changing from 2 columns to 3 but after browsing the installed files, it looks like it could be an option to choose somewhere... is this the case?

I'm customising the nopCommerce classic css files for the look I want but could switch if it's easier. Currently, my server company only supports .Net 3.5 so I'm running nopCommerce 1.6

Would appreciate the help.

Il y a 13 ans
you can create a three column site in v1.6 quite easily,

but the easiest thing for you to do may be if you download the latest version of nopcommerce

and look at


and also the theme stylesheet to see how the wrappers are made for thre column master

see how it's implemented and apply it to your site
Il y a 13 ans
Ok, I've looked at the 2 files mentioned but I'm still not sure what I would do to choose the ThreeColumn master. I can't see anything in the code to allow me to do so. What am I missing? (I'm new to nopCommerce).

Incidentally, there's a 3 column master with 1.6 - are there changes with 1.9?

Il y a 13 ans
Well, it looks like just choosing it in the Default.aspx page works - although the result wasn't what I was expecting.

I was hoping to see 3 columns of product... is this possible?

Il y a 13 ans
In any .aspx page that you would like to have the three column master you need to change the tag at the very top:
<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPages/ThreeColumn.master" AutoEventWireup="true"
    Inherits="NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.CategoryPage" CodeBehind="Category.aspx.cs"

Whichever column master you want should go in the "MasterPageFile" attribute. You may have to change several to get the look that you're looking for. I like to use a combo of 3 column and 1 column, depending on the page - 3 column for categories and products, 1 column for checkout and forums, etc...
Il y a 13 ans
Thanks for the tip. I'm playing with the design to see what looks good and will probably use a hybrid too.
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