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Il y a 4 ans
Hello community!

nopStation is glad to announce their new plugin release- “pushNop”. pushNop notifications allow nopCommerce store owners to effectively re-engage their existing customers with customized and engaging content. Web Push notifications appear directly in mobile, desktop or laptop even if the site is not open in your customers browsers. Admin can run any campaign by making smart groups of customers to boost up business.

Supported Nop Version: 4.2

Smart Dashboard
Varieties of Campaign Options
Smart Group / Segmentation
Campaign Templates (Save for Later Option)
Subscribers List with Date and Time of Purchase
Smart Report
Notification Supports

Why Push Notifications?
Slash your marketing cost with higher click rate.
Easy subscribe and unsubscribe workflow.
Delivered instantly to the customer's device screen.
No need to do complex design using html or Engage a designer.
Specific campaigns  for the specific customers.
Real-time analytics for better campaigns.
nopCommerce user-friendly API.
Subscribers information security ensured.

Demo Link: https://pushnop.nop-station.com/DemoWebPushNotification/DemoPage

Documentation Link: https://nop-station.com/pushnopdoc

Purchase Link: https://nop-station.com/pushnop

Note: First 10 customers will get this plugin at $77.77. So hurry up!!!
Il y a 4 ans
Thanks, its working fine
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