LostFocus or textChanged event of nopCommerce:NumericTextBox in a repeater qty change

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Il y a 13 ans
Hi folks.

I am tring to implement a feature in a product template to display the total Price (price * qty) of a product variant when the user changes the quantity.

I have found how to get data from the boxes and labels in the repeater items (hopefully).
And use an Ajax update panel.

On an ordinary textbox I could use txtQuantity_TextChanged (with AutoPostBack="true" ) yes?

But it uses a nopCommerce:NumericTextBox which doesn't have such an event.

I'm sure this is a feature many have implemented.
Can anyone tell me how I do this or if there is a better way please?

I have also been trying Javascript method, but this gets rather complicated with getting Javascript arrays of repeater controls.

(Already past my deadline Doh!)
Il y a 13 ans

Might have found a way


asp.net 2.0 : TextBox User Control with TextChanged Event (Event Bubbling from user controls)

I would still like comments and opinions on this problem though.

I am using V 1.6

Il y a 13 ans
I'm just curious why you're using the numeric text box... and why not just add the event to it?
Il y a 13 ans
The numeric Text box is how it was before I started to try and add it.
I have been pondering whether I should just change it to a plain one.
I'm leaving my decision for tommorow. Am brain dead now.

It has been quite an educational foray into the options though.
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