Adding in a small change to the Master Page Page_Load Event

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Il y a 13 ans
Hello All!!
I hope everyone is enjoying the snow lol.

I have a small question, that I assume is easy to answer. I added a label control to my root.master page.
I would like to reference this label when the page loads (on ANY page, hence why I added it to root.master)

Thats it.

I tried adding in a public void Page_Load() event to the master page, but it doesnt fire. I assume that there is an override in the codebase behind??

Very simply-
How do I add something to the root.master Page_Load event??

Thank you very much!!!!
Il y a 13 ans
Any ideas?!!!
Il y a 13 ans
I'm not totally sure what you are trying to do, but I assume you want to write to the label in the master page from a child page?

Anyway, if you look in the NopCommerceStore folder and find another folder called Controls, you'll see all the BaseNopPage classes that all the pages inherit from.

Add a method in here, referencing this.master.mylabel (or whatever the syntax is?). You should be able to call that from anywhere in a page, provided it inherits the BaseNopPage class.

Note: I try and avoid labels [because they generate spans] and use literals as much as possible. They reduce markup clutter.
Il y a 13 ans
Hey Ed-

Much obliged for your response!
When you say, add a method, can you elaborate for me please?

I am a noob when it comes to this. This is the only change I need to make to launch our website.

THanks alot!!
Il y a 13 ans
THis is what I did (please correct me if wrong).
In the control / BaseNopMasterPage.cs, I added this to the Page_Load event

               Label UrlLabel = Page.Master.FindControl("URLLabel") as Label;
                  switch (Request.PathInfo.Substring(1))
                    case "product1":
                        UrlLabel.Text = "This is Product1 Image Section";
                    case "Product2":
                        Response.Write("This is Product2 Image Section");
                    case "Product3":
                        Response.Write("This is Product3 Image Section");
                    case "Product4":
                        Response.Write("This is Product4 Image  Section");
                    case "Product5":
                        Response.Write("This is Product4 Image  Section");
                        UrlLabel.Text = "I have failed";

What I am trying to do is when the page loads, read the incoming URL, and change the label text to reflect where they came from.
Il y a 13 ans
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