Checkout page shipping address field Area and City dropdown

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Il y a 3 ans
Hi NopCommerce Team,

Checkout page shipping address field Area and City dropdown - Backend admin should be able to upload the shipping address field Area and City, need to remove the state and zip code field. can rename the current field and convert it to  dropdown instead of a text field.

Please anyone help us.

Sateesh Babu.K
Il y a 3 ans
A customer's Address is the same whether for billing, shipping, or otherwise.

When you edit a Country, you can add multiple 'State / province' that appear in the drop-down.  However, City is a text field.  Either use the  'State / province' field for your cities, or otherwise you need to customize the system to support another drop-down for City.

You can rename the field (labels) using the Language > String Resources.
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