Admin rights

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Il y a 13 ans

Is there a way to set different rights to a admin account? For example, I would like to have one account that has permissions to access everything through the admin interface, but also have one account that just has access to modify orders.

Is this possible?
Il y a 13 ans
yes, this is possible by enabling the ACL

before you do that, edit your own customer record
admin customers-->manage customers

you will see a tab called customer role

tick the box for 'global administrator'  and save

then, you need to go to
customers-->customer roles

and add a role eg 'order manager'

go to configuration  --> access control list

you will see the newly created role with checkboxes under it - tick all the things you want to apply to this role

click enable

and click save

create a customer then in the manage customer area for that customer, apply the new role
Il y a 13 ans
Will try this, thank you very much!
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