Problems logging in

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Il y a 13 ans
Good evening.  

Have an odd one here that has me stumped.  

I have set up a new install of version 1.9 and all has been working fine for 2 days now.  Today I noticed that my admin account had the name John Smith (remnant from the install) so I went in and changed my name.  Once I clicked on save I was taken to the admin login page and my login details have now stopped working.

I had a good rummage through the forums and found similar problems (Screams out for an patch to never allow you to delete the last admin doesn't it!).  There was one past that provided an SQL script to create the default user again.  
I completed the sql script to add [email protected] back into the system and so I am now able to login with this account.  

The part that is throwing me is that I am unable to set up my details again so that I can login.  I can set them up but it will not let me login.  I have tried on several browsers over 2 machines in case of cached data, but no.  I'm just not allowed in.  I have cleared out all users in SQL manager (bar [email protected]) and gone back in to set them up.  Still no access.  I have double checked the admin flag and this is also set ("True") in the DB.  

To rule out any cached data I have set up a third email account as admin but this also cannot login.  

Has anyone any ideas please?  If I have to flatten the install then so be it, but I need to find the answer to this as this will become my sole livelyhood in a few months time.  

Thanks in advance,

Il y a 13 ans

Anyone got any ideas about this?  

Still unable to create a new admin and have them login.  The only admin that works is the default and not really happy to leave this one available for obvious security issues!  

Thanks in advance,

Il y a 13 ans

Been having another serious look at this. Tried and found the following:

Have deleted all accounts in the DB apart from the admin@yourstore as this is the only one I can use to get back in.  

Have set up a new, non admin account from admin console.  From a different computer tried to login as this account.  Get message that "Your login attempt was not successful. Please try again."

Setup another new user as admin and repeated last step.  Same error message.  

Thinking at this point that there might be a problem with the new user script in admin console so go to store option and register from there.  

This new account shows up in the DB no problem but is unable to login from either machine.  Same message as before.  

Go to admin colsole and convert that user to an admin and they are still unable to login.  DB shows that user is an admin and all accounts mentioned above are showing as active.  

To me it seems that there is a problem with the login code not working correctly.  

Does anyone have any other ideas or possible resolutions?  

Thanks to all in advance.

Il y a 13 ans
OK seriously embarrassed right now.  

Pure user error not reading what is in front of me.  When I was changing my details 2 days ago I must have clicked on the option ''Usernames' enabled:' in the admin console.  This now means that I cannot login using my email address can I!  The reason [email protected] worked is because this is ALSO the username!!!!  

The login screen asked for 'username' and not 'email'.  

So let my life be a warning to others...  Read the tool tips and be careful what you click on...  

Thankyou for not laughing at me, I'm off to go and hang my head in shame...  

Il y a 13 ans
don't worry, your not the only one with a few of these really obvious oversights to their name - I have bald patches from tearing my hair out and bruises on my forehead from slapping it when realisation dawns :(
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