nopcommerce 1.90 performance issues

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Il y a 13 ans
I am opening this new topic since I realize that there are serious performance issues in 1.90 which need immediate attention.

I just finished setting up my store. There is a great performance issue, category pages need 5 to 30 seconds to load. I am not sure why the performance is so poor, but I definately believe it is not my hosting provider. My other legacy site, in classic asp, runs quite fast, without any special performance trimming.

After reading the forums, it seems that there virtually everybody that installed 1.9. faces similar performance problem. I did some benchmarking on Nop_ProductLoadAllPaged and found that the sp call alone may last between 100 ms to more than one second. Furthermore, it takes 7 calls of the procedure to load a single category page, while it takes 5 calls to load the contact-us page!

Aparently there is a severe performance issue with 1.9. in general, as I find out by reading the forums. Unfortunately, I have invested many-many hours in familiarizing with the software in administration and code level, and building scripts in order to populate data and relations (related products, tags, etc) automatically from my ERP directly to nopcommerce DB.

Therefore, I am posting this just in case the team could advice something, before I throw away all the effort and move to another, proved in the field, platform. I have some hope that the team will take immediate actions since I am not the exception.

Impact if no action is taken
Nopcommerce is rich in features and high-end in technology, but if performance issues are not immediately addressed, I hate to say that I see a bad name forming very soon. Name cannot be changed by code, and bad reputation will be the end for sure, team does not have the time till summer (2.0) to deal with it. I would suggest to tackle performance issues before moving to next version. No store owner cares about the underlying technology, as long as the store runs smoothly. I am sure nopcommerce may gain a few developer enthousiasts if it moves to the latest microsoft framework, but no real customer can appreciate a store ranking at top 10% of the slowest sites on the net (according to google webmaster).

I am looking forward hearing from the team, I wish you will be taking the right desicions.
Il y a 13 ans
You should read the posts about Version 2.
nC is being totally re-writen so not sure there will be much done with 1.9 on this front ?
Il y a 13 ans

I know that you say it is not your hosting provider but I have recently moved my instalation from a webfarm host to a dedicated server and independent speeds have gone from 34/100 up to 83/100.  My pages before took several seconds(usually move than 10 seconds) to load and some would need multiple hits to get them to load.  Now they are fast and very responsive with sub single second load times for all pages I have tried.  This is also across 3 major browers.  

Just a thought.  The clue and what prompted me to move was that I noticed webfarm support was due to come out in in a future release.

Hope this helps.

Il y a 13 ans

You do have a point and its good to hear that an alternative (i.e. dedicated server hosting) worked well for you. This is exactly what I am looking for, alternative/workaround to use, until performance issues are fixed in future releases. I hope that the development team will provide some more hints, so that people stay with the product instead of investing money and time on another carty.

I will setup a local server and benchmark before I pay for dedicated hosting. In the mean time, could you share your store's url so that I could check it?

I appreciate your post. Thank you,
Il y a 13 ans
It could be your hoster.
I had the same problem when I converted a very simple ecommerce
application over to an AbleCommerce ecommerce website.
The pages loaded very slow (if at all). I was using shared hosting.
I had to move it over to a dedicated server, which is much more expensive.
Shared hosting is only good for applications that are not database instensive.

I guess these applications just need more resources than simplier ones,
like your old asp application.
So if you were to buy AbleCommerce for $1000.00 for example,
you would still need to put it on a dedicated server.

I don't know how this application runs in a shared environment.
Maybe it's possible. You should post a question and ask who is using
a shared hosting and how their experience has been with it.
Maybe it's just your hosting company.
Il y a 13 ans
I am open to suggestions and I would gladly move to a new host, if this would solve the problem. Could you please, happy with performance of nopcommerce 1.90 store owners post your web hosting company/offers, along with your URL?

Thank you in advance,
Il y a 13 ans

I would love to post my URL but as you might see from my other currently open post I have a slight security issue and unable to change away from the default admin login, so not too happy to do it.  Also as my store is currently closed you will only be able to see the store closed page!  

My host is and I can genuinely say they are so much better than the previous one.  They do provide a free hosting option to be able to test out pages.  This does have a setup cost of £8.75 Ex VAT but if you contact them and explain they might ignore the cost for a 30 day test if you end up buying their hosting?    

If you want me to run a speed test on any page and let you know the results I am more than happy to do this.  

Good luck with your search!

Kind regards,

Il y a 13 ans
I managed to reduce time of category page load by setting the configuration of Display.Products.ShowCategoryProductNumber to false.

This results to a single call of the slow stored procedure Nop_ProductLoadAllPaged. Otherwise, there is an extra call for each product category of the shop, since this procedure is used to perform a simple count o products per category! I suppose that if someone really needs this feature, could simply alter GetNumberOfProducts CategoryNavigation.ascx.cs and use linq to get the count(*) faster.

I also managed to reduce the time of product page load by the improvements suggested by jsdsupport in slow page loads topic (indexes and source code modificatios). Especially for the source code, I had to modify ProductService, instead of ProductManager. I suppose that's a matter of code version (?).

My site is still slow, category page takes typically 3 seconds to load, but it is far better that the 7 seconds it needed before. An interesting fact is that when I enable page execution time display at page footer, it returns values around 0.03.

What does this value exactly measures and in what scale?
Il y a 13 ans
just wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to a dedicated hosting provider because im currently experiencing exactly the same performance issues and it's really been quite difficult to explain to my client why their site is that slow when browsing...

I'm currently paying $40 a month with these guys: and their service has been fantastic..

but in the interim if there was some kind of dedicated host i could switch to that'd be awesome or some instant performance wins?

with regards to nop 2.0 are there plans to optomise the category browsing etc?

Il y a 13 ans
Just some comment... (no solution)

I just picked the first site that I could find on this forum to test the performance: Looks nice and it looks like they used standard NC. This site is quite quick....It's based on 1.8.

- Maybe there are very few products in the dBase in this case..
- Is performance of 1.8 better than 1.9?

I'm anxiously about performance... Just finished a week uploading products, changing design and preparing the whole site. The product and structure is great (compliments to the team!) but indeed: performance must be ok.

I'll post my experiences (when I'm ready to go-live).

Ciao, Stephan
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