items in sitemap.config not showing up on admin page NC4.2

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Il y a 3 ans
I created a feature based on the Blog system but am not sure how to get it to show up on the Admin section in the menu.  I added a siteMapNode in the sitemap.config and the corresponding nopResource, but it doesn't show up (either after compiling or refreshing the cache).
On a related note, if I type in the path directly, I get an Access Denied. (I checked the  models, controllers, factories, views and everything I can think of, but can't figure out why it won't allow access to the new feature).

    <siteMapNode SystemName="Content Management" nopResource="Admin.ContentManagement" PermissionNames="ManagePolls, ManageNews, ManageBlog, ManageTopics, ManageForums, ManageMessageTemplates" IconClass="fa-cubes">
      <siteMapNode SystemName="Topics" nopResource="Admin.ContentManagement.Topics" PermissionNames="ManageTopics" controller="Topic" action="List" IconClass="fa-dot-circle-o" />
      <siteMapNode SystemName="Message templates" nopResource="Admin.ContentManagement.MessageTemplates" PermissionNames="ManageMessageTemplates" controller="MessageTemplate" action="List"  IconClass="fa-dot-circle-o"/>
      <siteMapNode SystemName="News items" nopResource="Admin.ContentManagement.News.NewsItems" PermissionNames="ManageNews" controller="News" action="NewsItems" IconClass="fa-dot-circle-o"/>
      <siteMapNode SystemName="News comments" nopResource="Admin.ContentManagement.News.Comments" PermissionNames="ManageNews" controller="News" action="NewsComments" IconClass="fa-dot-circle-o"/>
      <siteMapNode SystemName="Blog posts" nopResource="Admin.ContentManagement.Blog.BlogPosts" PermissionNames="ManageBlog" controller="Blog" action="BlogPosts" IconClass="fa-dot-circle-o"/>      
      <siteMapNode SystemName="Blog comments" nopResource="Admin.ContentManagement.Blog.Comments" PermissionNames="ManageBlog" controller="Blog" action="BlogComments" IconClass="fa-dot-circle-o"/>
      <siteMapNode SystemName="Testimonial posts" nopResource="Admin.ContentManagement.Testimonial.TestimonialPosts" PermissionNames="ManageTestimonial" controller="Testimonial" action="TestimonialPosts" IconClass="fa-dot-circle-o"/>
      <siteMapNode SystemName="Testimonial comments" nopResource="Admin.ContentManagement.Testimonial.Comments" PermissionNames="ManageTestimonial" controller="Testimonial" action="TestimonialComments" IconClass="fa-dot-circle-o"/>
      <siteMapNode SystemName="Polls" nopResource="Admin.ContentManagement.Polls" PermissionNames="ManagePolls" controller="Poll" action="List"  IconClass="fa-dot-circle-o"/>
      <siteMapNode SystemName="Manage forums" nopResource="Admin.ContentManagement.Forums" PermissionNames="ManageForums" controller="Forum" action="List"  IconClass="fa-dot-circle-o"/>

Right now, it's a carbon copy of the Blog feature (took 8 hours to make a copy and thousands of changes to every single file and even the database, but with WinMerge and patience, I've verified an exact duplicate with a different name - all compiles, no bugs and the non-admin pages work with test data - just don't have admin access, nor a menu)
- Called Testimonial(s)

This works:

but this doesn't (Access denied error)

any idea what to do?
Il y a 3 ans
I figured it out:
For others with this, just go to the PermissionRecord and PermissionRecord_RoleMapping tables.

INSERT INTO PermissionRecord (Name,SystemName,Category)
VALUES ('Admin area. Manage Testimonial','ManageTestimonial','Content Management')

  INSERT INTO PermissionRecord_Role_Mapping(PermissionRecord_Id,CustomerRole_Id)

That did the trick! (hope this helps others too!)
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