PayPal Standard not supporting Autorize and Capture later in nopCommerce

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Il y a 13 ans

Can someone point me in the right direction or tell me if I'm completely wrong in my thinking:

I want to enable the option to initially Authorize an order and Capture the funds later as I have a scenario where shipping needs to be worked out on a case-by-case basis before being added to the order and payment taken.

I am currently using PayPal Standard in nopCommerce but cannot see that this allows for the above scenario.It seems to be supported by Papal itself as you can see in this feature list:

I can see that it is supported when using Paypal Direct but this requires Website Payments Pro to be set up with Paypal.

Is it possible to use authorize and capture later with Paypal Standard via nopCommerce currently or is it a feature that is planned to be supported in the future.

Many thanks

Il y a 13 ans
I'm also interested in this. Is this supported or will I have to implement this. Can this be implemented easily with the current code or does the payment module need to be rewritten for Paypal Pro? What about google checkout?
Il y a 13 ans
bitstar wrote:
I'm also interested in this. Is this supported or will I have to implement this. Can this be implemented easily with the current code or does the payment module need to be rewritten for Paypal Pro? What about google checkout?

You can easily implement this. Methods are already there you just need to put code in. Look in payment modules.
Il y a 13 ans
atiqi36 wrote:
I'm also interested in this. Is this supported or will I have to implement this. Can this be implemented easily with the current code or does the payment module need to be rewritten for Paypal Pro? What about google checkout?

You can easily implement this. Methods are already there you just need to put code in. Look in payment modules.

I am aware nopcommerce has this feature (hence the Capture and Authorize methods in payment provider interface) but I was wondering if there was a reason the payment provider isn't implementing them in the first place. Looking in the paypal implementation I see it does have 2 transaction modes: Authorize and AuthorizeAndCapture but only for PaypalExpress and PaypalDirect, not for Standard
Il y a 13 ans
The only solution I found for this was to use PaypalDirect. This didn't fully satisfy my requirements because it only allows you to increase the re-captured amount by a small percentage of the original amount. This really wasn't viable for me as it did not allow me to increase the amount sufficiently to apply the shipping cost required.

I'd be interested if you find a good solution.
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