Managing Stock at Variant/Attribute Level

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Il y a 13 ans
Hi there,

I have used the fabulous NopCommerce for a project when it was at version 1.5. The site was for a clothing company and I struggled with managing stock levels for (for example) a T-Shirt (S,M,L,XL) in 3 colours. The owner wanted to maintain stock for example for a Blue XL T-Shirt but could not.

Now that NopCommerce is at V1.9 I have read the release notes but it's not obvious whether or not stock management has been done at variant/attribute level.

Any advice or update would be hugely appreciated before I commit to working on this new store.

Thanks a mil

Il y a 12 ans
Yes I was wanted to enquire about the same thing. I have a website selling clothes. I want to enter the stock levels in for each size and colour separately but it doesn't seem possible. Can you confirm that this is not possible at this stage. If so will you be adding a feature as such? Thank you Joanne
Il y a 11 ans
I have the same problem too
Il y a 11 ans
Product Variant Attribute Combinations.  You pick the attributes and enter a stock number.
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