nopCommerce 4.40 is released

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We use the extension tools within Visual Studio for comparison (data and schema comparison) and these are much better tools for comparing changes (especially data) to the SSMS scripts.

However, it still requires a lot of manual effort and none of us should be prepared to accept (relatively) unknown changes to our own business structure and data (or clients' that we represent) without fully understanding all of changes and their impact.

We had the change SQL scripts before that were easily used for comparison prior to making 'breaking' changes.  We have GitHub for code changes and need an approach for managing data changes.

The new approach to database changes caused us significant amount of time and required comparison of all data and schema changes between 4.3 and 4.4 versions.  We had very little guidance to the changes with limited information in the release notes.
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SQL Upgrades: Just to note, I started a post in the nopCommerce Upgrades forum if anyone would like to add anything to this there:

While it is true we can use schema compare, there are data additions and updates as well. So schema compare doesn't do the whole job. You can get that script and run it, but that doesn't do the trick.
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Hello Community,
is there any css-class that can hide some html-tags.
I like to include product gtin into dom-tree but it should be not visible for customers
Similar to “ bootstrap hidden”
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roland_0111 wrote:
Hello Community,
is there any css-class that can hide some html-tags.
I like to include product gtin into dom-tree but it should be not visible for customers
Similar to “ bootstrap hidden”

If you add a gtin number, it's added to the

If you want to enable the gtin number on the product, but have it hidden, edit the view : Views > Product > _SKU_Man_GTIN_Ven.cshtml. Add style="display:none" to the <div class="gtin"..

<div  style="display:none" class="gtin" @(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.Gtin) ? Html.Raw("style=\"display:none\"") : null)>
            <span class="label">@T("Products.GTIN"):</span>
            <span class="value" id="[email protected]">@Model.Gtin</span>

Then Admin > Setting > Catalog > Product fields check the 'Show GTIN'.
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I have tried caching the homecontroller index action to cache homepage for a couple of minutes.
It looks fine.
Is there any side effect of caching home page like this.
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Changes to content showing on the frontpage wont be updated until the cache is expired. Unless you are using the cache implentation from NOP. But im quite sure all content on frontpage is already cached? Might not be output cached though.
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barissatis wrote:
Is there any side effect of caching home page like this.

Yes, there are many.

This is a 3.90 (MVC) site that uses full page caching, but using donut caching -

Donut caching is where you can remove / limit  various sections from the cache.. i.e the header links (basket, account etc), admin links, and in this instance (for the homepage), the featured products as I also inject recently viewed products into it, so I don’t want it cached.

This entire site uses donut caching - the topics have full page caching, but with the admin and header links, plus eu cookie law not included.

Product pages, these use donut caching, but only for images, text content, related products.

In .net core (4.00 and above), donut caching isn’t quite as easy, but can be done.

The main thing with full page caching is being able to refresh the cache when content changes, and also remove items that are per customer from the cache, otherwise when distort one logs in, customer two will think they are logged in too (via the header links).

For our .net core sites, I use the inbuilt cache tag helper... it’s not perfect by any means, but works... to a point.

There’s a lot more to it, this is just a quick run through / example.
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Sorry for not being clear.
The caching I meant was using http cache headers to enable response caching for both CDN and client caching.
Caching some pages even for a couple of seconds on CDN edges helps alot to reduce the load on server and icrease availability on high traffic sites.
I checked the code for home page rendering and didnt see any customer specific content .

I just want to be sure that I am not missing anything.
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Looking at doing a second site, my first being on nop 4.2 and as it's working well, I don't want to mess with it.  

As Nop 4.4 now works with Linux and MySQL, is there any noticable performance benefit being on 4.4 running Linux compaired with using an old theme I have that is designed for 4.2 but on more costly Windows hosting.

Thanks, Paul
Il y a 3 ans
webie wrote:
@nopcommerceteam please provide an update SQL script, or at the very least detail all of the changes you have made since 4.3 to the 4.4 database, including new and modified data.
Thank you.

Kindly see this and this page migration classes, you can get easily idea about DB related changes from 4.30 to 4.40
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