4.4 Navigation Properties

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I am trying to update a plugin from 4.2 to 4.4. Using the new ORM, how do I translate this entity framework code?

 IQueryable<Order> query = GetExpandedOrderTable();
                DateTime beginTime = settings.LastDownloadUtc;
                DateTime endTime = settings.LastDownloadUtcEnd;

                query = query.Where(a => a.CreatedOnUtc >= beginTime);
                query = query.Where(a => a.CreatedOnUtc <= endTime);

                List<int> storeIds = GetStoreIds();

                if (storeIds.Count() > 0)
                    query = query.Where(a => storeIds.Contains(a.StoreId));

                return new PagedList<Order>(query, 0, 1000).ToList();

        /// <summary>
        /// Expands order items and other sub properties.
        /// Increases performance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IQueryable<Order> GetExpandedOrderTable()
            return orderRepository.Table
                .Include(a => a.OrderItems)
                .Include(a => a.OrderNotes)
                .Include(a => a.GiftCardUsageHistory)
                .Include(a => a.BillingAddress)
                .Include(a => a.BillingAddress.StateProvince)
                .Include(a => a.BillingAddress.Country)
                .Include(a => a.ShippingAddress)
                .Include(a => a.ShippingAddress.StateProvince)
                .Include(a => a.ShippingAddress.Country)
                .Include(a => a.Customer)
                .Include(a => a.DiscountUsageHistory)
                .Include(a => a.Shipments);

How do I get all of these objects?
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From 4.30 nopCommerce use Linq2DB instead of EF

please  check https://docs.nopcommerce.com/en/developer/tutorials/data-access-layer.html

You can check Nop.Services, How Product or others works.

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I need to pull a list of orders by date. It must include order items, shipments, and the other objects. It is inefficient to call orderService.GetOrderItemByIdAsync for each order. Is there a better way?
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joe_a84 wrote:

I need to pull a list of orders by date. It must include order items, shipments, and the other objects. It is inefficient to call orderService.GetOrderItemByIdAsync for each order. Is there a better way?

Use '_orderService.SearchOrdersAsync' - https://github.com/nopSolutions/nopCommerce/blob/b2a51612bdf7efd0e5023db3dfd80ea2afb79d66/src/Libraries/Nop.Services/Orders/OrderService.cs#L300
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You can get all order items for each order with GetOrderItemsAsync(int orderId,...)

(That's the way ExportOrdersToXmlAsync does it. If you really need to make it more "efficient", you could probably write your own LINQ query)
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