Exclude Products from Recently Added Products?

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Il y a 13 ans
Does anyone know how I can exclude products from Recently Added Products? There are a couple of categories I do not want included in there.

Il y a 13 ans
you would probably have to do it manually in the code or change the query to exclude any products in certain categories.
Il y a 13 ans
That's what I've been thinking but I didn't know if there was an easier way that I was overlooking. If I come across a good solution I'll post it here.
Il y a 13 ans
Okay here is a very ugly way to do it but works. It's not one hundred percent fool proof. I know there are easier ways but here you go if anyone wants it.

List<Product> valuesToDelete = new List<Product>();
            int CatToBeExcluded = 7;

            foreach (Product product in products)
                if (product.ProductCategories.Count > 0)
                    if (product.ProductCategories[0].Category.CategoryId == CatToBeExcluded)

            foreach (Product product in valuesToDelete)
            // Now we need to add as many products back that were removed.
            int totalRecords = 0;
            var productsToAdd = this.ProductService.GetAllProducts(0,
                0, 0, null, null, null, 0, string.Empty, false, number,
                1, null, NopContext.Current.WorkingLanguage.LanguageId,
                ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn, out totalRecords);

            int iter = valuesToDelete.Count;
            foreach (Product product in valuesToDelete)
                if(iter >= 0)
Il y a 13 ans
Another simple way would do a products query on each category you would like included. Combine them together and then resort them by date created. Might be a little more simple.
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