Bulk Import product data and images

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Il y a 13 ans
Hi all,

Looking to bulk import 4000 or so products with data, categorisation and most importantly product images from hihg resolution to include the resizing and thumbnails.

What is the best practice here?

Import product data and image file name via Ms Excel or CSV format. After that step the manually resize the product images into full image size, thumbnail and icon size etc?

Alternatively if the product images are to be held in database rather than external files what is the method to bulk import successfully with image resizing still occurring?

Any help appreciated.
Il y a 13 ans
No replies for what we assume to be a very common occurence?

Is there a paid support option? To be frank for commercial purposes we require better support than these forums currently provide.

Most posts go unanswered.
Il y a 13 ans
Paid - Admin upload area...


I used it to upload - 25,000 products (5,000 products at a time...), then update my price list each day using this tool...

* Import from a CSV file, and include your image path (which will resize in the upload...) or you can point to it later... is a paid service and also has a support forum. I use on the NopCommerce 1.8 platform...

I would have answered this earlier, but currently studing for my MCTS / MCPD - .Net 4 - WFC certifications and time differences... Hope this answers your questions and good luck with your eCommerce ventures...
Il y a 13 ans

We have developed a solution for client to upload bulk data (approx 10,000) from Excel Sheet (.xls file) which includes image path , different supplier name , categories etc etc.

Let me know if you still looking for solution. We provide customize solution to clients.

Il y a 13 ans
propeers wrote:

We have developed a solution for client to upload bulk data (approx 10,000) from Excel Sheet (.xls file) which includes image path , different supplier name , categories etc etc.

Let me know if you still looking for solution. We provide customize solution to clients.


Does your solution include the upload of all variants, with their images, skus, products attributes, etc. etc.?
Il y a 13 ans
propeers wrote:

We have developed a solution for client to upload bulk data (approx 10,000) from Excel Sheet (.xls file) which includes image path , different supplier name , categories etc etc.

Let me know if you still looking for solution. We provide customize solution to clients.


I am looking to do something very similar; so far I can bulk upload the data - however the urls provided in the csv are on a remote server and I would be interested in finding out how to deal with those. The csv is updated daily and with about 15,000 products I don't fancy pulling all the images over but would rather use the provided url directly. Any advice for me?
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