Search in tags with SP Nop_ProductLoadAllPaged @Keywords ?

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Il y a 13 ans

Did someone try to include tags in search by keywords?
Example :
- I have a product named 'My Special Product' (description : 'Lorem Ipsum')
- I tag it 'cool' (a word that isn't the name or description)
- If I search 'special', no problem : the product is in the results
- But if i search 'cool', not...

I'd like to alter the SP Nop_ProductLoadAllPaged, any idea?
I don't want to use the parameter @ProductTagID but @Keywords because it comes from search.aspx.

Il y a 13 ans
Here is my first implementation (with search in categories and manufacters' names too):
News joins in
SELECT p.ProductID
FROM Nop_Product p
LEFT OUTER JOIN Nop_ProductTag pt WITH (NOLOCK) ON ptpm.ProductTagID = pt.ProductTagID
LEFT OUTER JOIN Nop_Category c WITH (NOLOCK) ON pcm.CategoryID = c.CategoryID
LEFT OUTER JOIN Nop_Manufacturer m WITH (NOLOCK) ON pmm.ManufacturerID = m.ManufacturerID

in the
@SearchKeywords = 0 or (...)
section after
, ... :
OR PATINDEX(@Keywords,pt.Name COLLATE French_CI_AI) > 0
OR PATINDEX(@Keywords,c.Name COLLATE French_CI_AI) > 0
OR PATINDEX(@Keywords,m.Name COLLATE French_CI_AI) > 0
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