Request quotation checkout

Il y a 8 mois

We use nop commerce to show our assortment with products. No prices in the store.
We like to create a checkout where customers can request a quotation.

So they select the products they want, add them to the shopping basket.
They can fill in the client information (name, adres, email etc) and click the button "Request quotation". The shopmanager gets a mail with the products en client information. That's it

Can we do this with settings/configuration?

Il y a 8 mois
It's not available out of the box, but there are plugins for it
Il y a 8 mois
Thanx! which is better?
Il y a 8 mois
We tried

But we need a request for quote for the shoppingcart not a single product.
Hopefully this is possible with another extension?