SOLVED: Automated Emails when order is placed, shipped

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Il y a 13 ans

Does anyone know if nopCommerce 1.9 have these features?

1. Automatically Email Admin that an order has been placed
2. Automatically Email Customer through each stage of the order: Pending, Shipped etc.
3. Print lables for shipping to customer.

If it does have these features, how do I go about enabling them?
Il y a 13 ans
rober4t wrote:

Does anyone know if nopCommerce 1.9 have these features?

1. Automatically Email Admin that an order has been placed
2. Automatically Email Customer through each stage of the order: Pending, Shipped etc.
3. Print lables for shipping to customer.

If it does have these features, how do I go about enabling them?

Yes, these features are included with Nopcommerce. As far as I know in order to enable them all you have to do is set up the email in the "Mail Settings" tab under "Global Settings" from the "Configuration" dropdown the the admin section. Once you have the server, port, etc set up there is a test thing at the bottom to test if it is working.
Il y a 13 ans
Thank you very much!
Il y a 13 ans

I could not find it by your instructions, i think you came up with that from what you could best remeber off the top of your head a the moment. I appreciate your effort, however, would you mind researching the exact steps i need to take to enable the features i need?

Thanks in advance!

Robert L
Il y a 13 ans
That is pretty much it... you go to the admin section... under Configuration you will find the Global Settings link (the first one) and there is a tab called Mail Settings there that you can set the mail settings.
Il y a 13 ans
Under the topmost menu item "Configuration" I choose "Global Settings" and the page that displays does not have a "Mail Settings" tab.

Under the same "Configuration" menu, there is a "Mail Settings" menu item, but this is for setting up mail accounts for staff and admins etc.

If you would be so kind, can you take a look and confirm? could it be a Access Control List permissions issue?


Robert L.
Il y a 13 ans

I am in the U.S. (Florida)...would you mind if I reached you for a short phone conversation. This thread is getting too long without getting anywhere.

you can P.M. with the info if you'd like.

Il y a 13 ans
Sorry I was looking at version 1.70... you didn't specify the version you were using :)

Version 1.90 has Email Accounts under Configuration. That is where you set up the email account for the admin emails to go to. That is all that I have set up and my site sends me and my customers the emails that you're talking about... I've tested it and have recieved emails both as an admin and as a test customer. I don't ship anything, but I imagine that those emails would be sent as well.

Sorry, I can't take calls at work... :)

Oh wait, you did specify what version you were using... my mistake. I just assumed that I was looking at 1.90. Whoops!
Il y a 13 ans
Thanks a lot for your effort!! ( BTW, in the very first line of my initial post I did mention what version I was using.

I  truly appreciate your efforts.

Robert L.
Il y a 13 ans
rober4t wrote:

Does anyone know if nopCommerce 1.9 have these features?

1. Automatically Email Admin that an order has been placed
2. Automatically Email Customer through each stage of the order: Pending, Shipped etc.
3. Print lables for shipping to customer.

If it does have these features, how do I go about enabling them?
Hi Robert:
Besidews what Barry told you, check admin>content management>templates>message templates. There you define contents and activate/desactivate each type of mail
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