I can't migrate data to a table

Il y a 2 mois
I'm doing a shopping cart project, and I've created two tables one called ProductInfoDomain and the other CustomerHasCart, I can migrate the product information to the ProductInfoDomain table but I want each cart to be unique per customer so I need to relate these tables but I can't, I need help

My service

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using LinqToDB;
using Nop.Core;
using Nop.Data;
using Nop.Plugin.Widgets.Samurai.Domain;

namespace Nop.Plugin.Widgets.Samurai.Services
    public interface ISamuraiDataService
        Task ArmazenarDadosAsync(string productname, float productprice, int productid, Guid cartId);
        Task <List<ProductInfoDomain>> GetProdutos();

        void ExcluirProdutos(string productname);
        int ContadorProduto();

        void AtualizarQuantidadesBanco(string productName, int productQuantity);

    public class SamuraiDataService : ISamuraiDataService
        private readonly IRepository<ProductInfoDomain> _repository;
        private readonly IWorkContext _workContext;
        private readonly IRepository<CustomerHasCartDomain> _repositorycustomer;

        public SamuraiDataService(IRepository<ProductInfoDomain> repository, IWorkContext workContext, IRepository<CustomerHasCartDomain> repositorycustomer)
            _repository = repository;
            _workContext = workContext;
            _repositorycustomer = repositorycustomer;


        public async Task ArmazenarDadosAsync(string productname, float productprice, int productid, Guid cartId)
                var customerid = (await _workContext.GetCurrentCustomerAsync()).Id; // Obtém o ID do cliente atual

                // Verifica se o produto já existe para este cliente e carrinho
                var existingProduct = _repository.Table.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductName == productname &&
                                                                            p.ProductPrice == productprice &&
                                                                            p.ProductId == productid &&
                                                                            p.CustomerId == customerid &&
                                                                            p.CartId == cartId);

                if (existingProduct != null)
                    // Se o produto já existe, atualize a quantidade
                    await _repository.UpdateAsync(existingProduct);
                    // Se o produto não existe, insira um novo registro
                    var newRegister = new ProductInfoDomain
                        ProductName = productname,
                        ProductPrice = productprice,
                        ProductId = productid,
                        ProductQuantity = 1,
                        CustomerId = customerid,
                        CartId = cartId
                    await _repository.InsertAsync(newRegister);

                var customerCart = _repositorycustomer.Table.FirstOrDefault(cc => cc.CustomerId == customerid);

                if (customerCart == null)
                    // Se não houver uma entrada correspondente, associe o carrinho ao cliente
                    customerCart = new CustomerHasCartDomain { CustomerId = customerid, CartId = cartId };
                    await _repositorycustomer.InsertAsync(customerCart);
                else if (customerCart.CartId != cartId)
                    // Se o carrinho associado ao cliente for diferente do carrinho atual, atualize o carrinho
                    customerCart.CartId = cartId;
                    await _repositorycustomer.UpdateAsync(customerCart);

            catch (Exception ex)
                // Lidar com a exceção e retornar uma resposta adequada
                Console.WriteLine($"Erro ao armazenar dados: {ex.Message}");
                throw; // Rejogue a exceção para sinalizar um problema ao chamador.

        public async Task <List<ProductInfoDomain>> GetProdutos()
            var getlist =  await _repository.Table.ToListAsync();

            if (getlist != null)
                return getlist;
                 return new List<ProductInfoDomain>();


        public void ExcluirProdutos(string productname)
            var productToDelete = _repository.Table.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductName == productname);
            if (productToDelete != null)

        public int ContadorProduto()
            return _repository.Table.Sum(p => p.ProductQuantity);

        public void AtualizarQuantidadesBanco(string productName, int productQuantity)
                var product = _repository.Table.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductName == productName);
                if (product != null)
                    product.ProductQuantity = productQuantity;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Erro ao atualizar quantidades no banco: " + ex.Message);
                throw; // Rejogue a exceção para sinalizar um problema ao chamador.



My controller

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection.Metadata;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml;
using LinqToDB;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Nop.Core;
using Nop.Plugin.Widgets.Samurai.Domain;
using Nop.Plugin.Widgets.Samurai.Services;
using Nop.Services.Security;
using Nop.Web.Framework;
using Nop.Web.Framework.Controllers;
using Nop.Web.Framework.Mvc.Filters;

namespace Nop.Plugin.Widgets.Samurai.Controller
    public class SamuraiDataBaseMigrationController : BasePluginController
        private readonly ISamuraiDataService _service;

        public SamuraiDataBaseMigrationController(ISamuraiDataService service)
            _service = service;

        public async Task <ActionResult> AdicionarAoMigrateAsync([FromBody] ProductInfoDomain data)

            //I receive the data from the AJAX request and check that the data has already been inserted into the table

                // Verifica se o produto já existe
                var produtos = await _service.GetProdutos();
                var produtoExistente = produtos.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductName == data.ProductName && p.ProductPrice == data.ProductPrice);

                // Adiciona ou atualiza o produto no serviço
                await _service.ArmazenarDadosAsync(data.ProductName, data.ProductPrice, data.ProductId, data.CartId);

                if (produtoExistente != null)
                    return Json(new { message = "Quantidade do produto atualizada com sucesso!" });
                    return Json(new { message = "Informações do produto migradas com sucesso!" });
            catch(Exception ex)

                Console.WriteLine($"Erro ao processar a solicitação: {ex.Message}");
                // Trate qualquer exceção que possa ocorrer durante o processo
                Response.StatusCode = 500;
                return Json(new { error = true, message = "Erro ao processar a solicitação.", ex.StackTrace });





My builder CustomerHasCartDomain

using FluentMigrator.Builders.Create.Table;
using Nop.Core.Domain.Catalog;
using Nop.Core.Domain.Orders;
using Nop.Data.Extensions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Nop.Core.Domain.Customers;
using Nop.Data.Mapping.Builders;
using Nop.Plugin.Widgets.Samurai.Domain;

namespace Nop.Plugin.Widgets.Samurai.Data
    public  class CustomerHasCartBuilder : NopEntityBuilder<CustomerHasCartDomain>
        public override void MapEntity(CreateTableExpressionBuilder table)



My builder ProductInfoDomain

using FluentMigrator.Builders.Create.Table;
using Nop.Core.Domain.Catalog;
using Nop.Core.Domain.Orders;
using Nop.Data.Extensions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Nop.Core.Domain.Customers;
using Nop.Data.Mapping.Builders;
using Nop.Plugin.Widgets.Samurai.Domain;

namespace Nop.Plugin.Widgets.Samurai.Data
    public class ProductInfoBuilder : NopEntityBuilder<ProductInfoDomain>
        public override void MapEntity(CreateTableExpressionBuilder table)
                 .WithColumn(nameof(ProductInfoDomain.ProductPrice)).AsDecimal(10, 2)

Il y a 2 mois
I don't understand you model
ProductInfoDomain as Id column which is PK.  Yet, you are setting up FK with PoductInfoDomain.CartId

Why do you need CartId?
Have you looked at the existing ShoppingCartItems table?  (It may be best to use that structure for your design)
Il y a 2 mois
New York wrote:
I don't understand you model
ProductInfoDomain as Id column which is PK.  Yet, you are setting up FK with PoductInfoDomain.CartId

Why do you need CartId?
Have you looked at the existing ShoppingCartItems table?  (It may be best to use that structure for your design)

I use cartid to make the cart exclusive per customer