Bulk update Product Attribute Control Type ID in SQL DB

Il y a 2 mois

Hope somebody could help me, I'm in the middle of upgrading my nopCommerce store from v4.2 to v4.6 and I would like to chnage the Attribute Control type for my products from a dropdown list to radio buttons, have over 200 proucts in the DB is there an easy way to run a script against the DB to chnage the value for all my products with ID 1?

Many thanks as always, this community is great

Il y a 2 mois
These are values of AttributeControlTypeId
    public enum AttributeControlType
        DropdownList = 1,
       RadioList = 2,

So in SQL that would be
UPDATE [Product_ProductAttribute_Mapping]
SET [AttributeControlTypeId] = 2
WHERE [AttributeControlTypeId] = 1

(But backup the table first ;)
INTO x_backup_Product_ProductAttribute_Mapping
FROM Product_ProductAttribute_Mapping
Il y a 2 mois
Many thanks, that worked great, thankyou