The Subfolders cannot be used normally

Il y a 3 semaines
I try  just from nosourcepackage and used the newly generated database, and setup the iis and cloudflare  General settings .. The website is operational ,but
1.  Nivo Slider not working :
The subdirectory path "a1" under the subdomain appears twice Subfolders...

2. And Can not into The Administation
(error 500)

my store table ref

There's something else I haven't noticed, and I'd like to ask you all to help me find the reason.
Thank you.
Il y a 3 semaines
Add the relative path of the application I set in IIS
Il y a 3 semaines
You cannot have the nopCommerce application inside another application subdirectory
The nopCommerce application must be in the root directory
Il y a 3 semaines
Thanks for your reply,
Because the customer's primary domain name cannot be changed,
I wonder if there are other methods, such as whether I can use iis urlwerite?
Il y a 3 semaines
How to  explain why it can only be placed as root?
But there is a mention about Wildcard copyright removal key in the link It seems that it can be work at subfolder?
Il y a 3 semaines
You can host the NopC application as a subdomain if that works for you. So instead of you can host the app separately in the IIS server and create the binding with
Il y a 3 semaines
If subfolder is really not supported, I would like to know the real reason, or was it supported in previous versions?
After all, I need the customer to indicate whether to reapply for a new certificate, but this is a trouble for the customer.

Il y a 3 semaines
You could do it when system used
Now it is a function that is not supported by .NetCore
It is not something blocked by nopCommece
Il y a 3 semaines
Thanks for the clear answer, this could save us or someone a lot of testing time.