ClearSale - Total Guaranteed Protection

ClearSale - Total Guaranteed Protection
We offer an end-to-end Fraud management solution, helping e-commerce merchants protect their business by carefully sorting through orders to give the most accurate determination of Fraud risk
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Versions supportées : 4.20
Créée le : février 20,2020
Dernière mise à jour : février 28,2020

For over 15 years, ClearSale has helped merchants eliminate Fraud and chargebacks before they happen. Our mission is to stop online Fraud while providing our customers with the highest approval rates and lowest false-positive rates in the industry.

We offer an end-to-end Fraud management solution, helping e-commerce merchants protect their business by carefully sorting through orders to give the most accurate determination of Fraud risk, and then handling each transaction as necessary. This process provides our clients the peace of mind to focus on their growing businesses without the fear of Fraud.

Orders that would normally be declined by the AI technology of most Fraud screening programs might actually be approved if seen by human eyes. Our proprietary manual review process, unlike that of our competitors, ensures that suspect transactions are always reviewed by a seasoned analyst and never initially denied outright, providing the highest approval rates while virtually eliminating false positives.

Our experience speaks for itself:

  1. 19 years in business.
  2. 99% customer retention rate.
  3. More than 2,000 direct clients;
  4. Accepting orders in over 150 countries every day.

App Features

Pay only for proven results

Performance-based pricing plans based on KPIs such as approval rate and chargeback rate. Unlike some competitors, chargeback guarantee is not mandatory

Improve your financials

Predictability instead of volatility – remove the significant variable and fixed costs for manual review teams and the contract terms tied to other fraud solutions. Pay according to your demand

Remove operational burden

You don't need to run your own in-house operational teams. We handle the burden of updating tools & rules, managing dedicated fraud staff and adapting to evolving fraud attacks are removed

Achieve optimal ROI with a customized solution

We continuously fine-tune our solutions to out-perform KPI targets and achieve the best ROI. We maintain performance SLAs to support customer expectations in all circumstances

Transparency – Maintain Customer Expectations

ClearSale offers an online dashboard and periodic reports to support a seamless and transparent customer experience

Case Studies

Check some of these stories at:, including brands like Asus, Motorola and Microsoft.

Clients Success StoriesMore than 2000 clients trust ClearSale to outsource their online fraud operations. It is all worth it when our customers show us how much our solution has made their business grow. Check some of these stories at, including brands like Asus, Motorola, and Microsoft. Read their story