Сategory Banner

Сategory Banner
Category Banner plugin allows adding a banner to each category in your online store.
Obtenir l'extension Vous serez redirigé vers le site Web du développeur pour télécharger ce plugin
Versions supportées : 3.90, 4.00, 4.10, 4.20, 4.30
Créée le : octobre 31,2018
Dernière mise à jour : août 11,2020

This plugin allows adding a banner to each category in your online store. It will make the category page more attractive.
On pressing "Add button" you can fill all the information i.e. upload image, Alt, Title, Store, Category (you want to map), published and then press add. Please upload image i.e. 300px * 715px for optimal performance.
In order to activate this plugin, press configuration-> widgets, in widget section if you check the "Is Active" it will display the banner and if you uncheck "Is Active" then it will not display any banner.
Note: the paid version allows uploading multiple banners for the same category. For buying this please contact us: [email protected]