3 critical mistakes that new business owners make

3 critical mistakes that new business owners make

In reality, new business owners wear many hats since they are trying to do everything on their own. Getting involved in so many things at the same time can lead to not paying attention to some critical tasks that can threaten the business's long-term viability.

There is always a learning curve for every business owner in every industry irrespective of how successful the business is. Some business owners or entrepreneurs learn how to run a successful business quite early while some learn the hard way by making mistakes and suffering the consequences.

Here are 3 critical mistakes that you should avoid when starting a new business:

Starting an online store with a mentality - "if you build it, they will come"

New business owners or entrepreneurs often start a business with a mentality "if you build it, they will come" because according to them their product is so revolutionary that it doesn’t need any marketing. A common belief in many new business owner’s mind is that somehow magically customers will find their product(s) and they will be successful overnight. This is a misconception because every business needs to invest money and time in marketing in order to be successful.

You should always have a good marketing strategy in order to run a successful e-commerce business so that your online store is getting the proper exposure to showcase your product(s) to the target audience. As a business owner, your marketing strategy should include: advertising your product(s) on major platforms/channels and communication with your customers to provide better service and receive feedback.

Here are some useful resources:

Focusing on too many things

Business owners must focus on making a good business strategy and developing a mission for their business. But, many new business owners usually get sidetracked by focusing on a number of other things instead of paying attending some critical tasks that are vital for their business. The reason for focusing on too many things is quite simple – most of the new business owners wants to do everything on their own because they are just starting and want to save money. But, at the end of the day, it comes down to how much valuable time you (as a business owner) are spending in doing everything when you can hire some professionals to do a job while you concentrate on tasks that will take your business to the next level. So, if you are starting a new business, you might want to hire a web designer to design your website and a graphic designer to design a logo for your business website while you focus on the business plan/strategy rather that you trying to learn web designing or how to design a logo while running an online business.

No SEO strategy

This is one of the most common misconceptions among new business owners and entrepreneurs that you are going to start making a lot of money right away. No, this absolutely incorrect as nobody is going to end up on your site accidently.

Search engine optimization (SEO) requires a lot of effort and constant work that needs to be done periodically in order to bring online traffic to your site. Search engines are the most common medium by which businesses present their products or services to their target customers. The rank of your store site is entirely based on how well you as a business owner optimize your site for various search engines. If you do not know how to accomplish this, it is quite important to get some professional help because you could be throwing away a large volume of free traffic.

A useful resource: Top 5 modern SEO myths in e-commerce world

Author: Lavish Kumar

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25/04/2017 06:01
Very useful article! Thanks "Lavish Kumar"
04/05/2017 06:35
Thank you Sohel :)