IConfigurationProvider Implementation

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12 年 前

I want to know about the purpose of IConfigurationProvider and its implementation in the system.

12 年 前
It's used to resolve settings from the IoC container.

Resolve<IConfigurationProvider<T>>, then read and save the settings (properties with getters and setters) which is the T object.
12 年 前
The new architecture is very much complicated and having a hard time to understand it. Can you explain how to create a new plug-in and integrate it into the system.

12 年 前
shakeebgenii wrote:
The new architecture is very much complicated and having a hard time to understand it. Can you explain how to create a new plug-in and integrate it into the system.


Documentation will be here, hold on.

12 年 前
what about EngineContext can you explain it a little
12 年 前
EngineContext is the singleton container for all the services.

As for plugins, I will be producing a series of screen casts soon. Stay tuned!
12 年 前
Is EngineContext is like NopContext previously..
12 年 前
shakeebgenii wrote:
Is EngineContext is like NopContext previously..

No. WorkContext is like NopContext in 1.90. EngineContext is like IoC class in 1.90
12 年 前

I need to know things about admin area. You put all the admin logics in a separate mvc project how you link it with the main project.

You are treating the project as MVC Area. Can you explain how you make it possible.

-Sorry for bad English.
12 年 前
shakeebgenii wrote:

I need to know things about admin area. You put all the admin logics in a separate mvc project how you link it with the main project.

You are treating the project as MVC Area. Can you explain how you make it possible.

-Sorry for bad English.

Some magic :)

It's treated and ran as a seperate area in MVC, but with all the benefits of the separation of concerns.

The Nop.Admin's bin output path is "../../bin/" which is the Nop.Web/bin. Thats pretty much it.
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