Get Function From Another Project

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12 年 前
Hi guys...
I'm trying to get function from another project...
I have added all references and so one...


I want to get image in my project:

            PictureService obj = new PictureService(new NopObjectContext());
            Image1.ImageUrl = obj.GetPictureUrl(177, 200);

also i have added in my web.config "NopEntities" connection string...

and now it tells me that:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
in ~\Libraries\Nop.BusinessLogic\Infrastructure\IoC.cs Line 77

public static T Resolve<T>()
Line 77:  return _resolver.Resolve<T>();

Who can help? Just want to get imageurl from another project.
12 年 前
It seems you didn't register your service in the IoC.
12 年 前
Hello, having the sam problem, i cant get to have valid nopcontext.
Any help?
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