adding/uploading Documents to NopCommerce

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12 年 前

I want to add a new section downloads on the homepage (next to information - bottom left column) where the user should be able to download important information about the company. Even a Pdf version of the product catalog should be available.

My issue: How can I do the programming that it works together with the Nop Web Admin Site? I want my other colleagues to also be able to administrate those papers and links. Is there a section in Web Admin I'm missing? I know how to do it through coding but how can I keep it dynamic? How best to accomplish that?

12 年 前
Really need your help on this. How can I accomplish that?
12 年 前
what is your version? if it's 1.9, try use a topic usercontrol. it will help.
12 年 前
i'm using ver. 1.9. which usercontrol are you referring to? although i'm able to add more controls there is none i'm aware of for the enduser to upload and administrate specific documents to and for his webshop.

12 年 前

You could do something like this:

Create a new Module in the Module folder, Choose the Web User Control. Give it a name like BusinessInfo
Copy the code from another block, you get something like this:

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="BusinessInfo.ascx.cs" Inherits="NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Modules.BusinessInfo" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="Topic" Src="~/Modules/Topic.ascx" %>
<div class="block block-info">
    <div class="title">
    <div class="clear">
    <div class="listbox">
    <nopCommerce:Topic ID="topicQuickLinks" runat="server" TopicName="BusinessInfo"

Create an topic with name BusinessInfo and use this for your info. If you use another topic name change the values in you user control. in this topic you can add files with the hyperlink button.

Then go to the Masterpage you need (Two and three column) and add the block:

Register your Module and add the control, something like this:

<%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="BusinessInfo" Src="~/Modules/BusinessInfo.ascx" %>

<nopCommerce:BusinessInfo runat="server" ID="BusinessInfo" />

I have not tested this code!
12 年 前
Thanks DonPasquale.
The thing with uploading the file is that the admin wants to be able to decide which users should be able to view this file. Think best would probably be to create an own admin module...
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