need urgent help with aussie post module.

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12 年 前

everything was working fine with the website and all of a sudden i cant select a postage estimate to another state. the only option that comes up is local pick up.

Has someone in aussie post changed the web address to collect all the info. It was working fine yesterday. I even had a customer order something only an hour ago with the postage details listed on the invoice.

Anyone with any thoughts. This is right in the middle of my busy season.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

found the problem

Log type:  ShippingError  
Severity:  11  
Message:  Australia Post. Please enter Country code.  
Exception:  System.Exception: Please enter Country code.  
IP address:  
Page URL:  
Created on:  9/6/2011 8:06:47 PM  

now how do i fix

if anyone could help i would be eternally grateful.
12 年 前
same thing happened to me ! >_< pls help
12 年 前
strange thing is when i do call it from the browser it works

this is basically what nopcommerce building and posting to aus post
12 年 前
Seems that Australia POST doesn't accept 'POST' HTTP methods. I've just fixed it. Please find more info here (version 2.X)
12 年 前
thanks, ill try that when i get home, they mustve just changed that today!
12 年 前
a.m. wrote:
Seems that Australia POST doesn't accept 'POST' HTTP methods. I've just fixed it. Please find more info here (version 2.X)

Hi a.m.

just wondering, to deploy do i need to redeploy nopcomm dll, or can i just redeploy the shipping's dll?
12 年 前
a.m. wrote:
Seems that Australia POST doesn't accept 'POST' HTTP methods. I've just fixed it. Please find more info here (version 2.X)

I am currently using nopCommerce Version 1.90 - is there anyway to fix this problem without upgrage my site, say just change a single file?
Your assistance is much appreciated.
Than you, Helen
12 年 前
hi helen,

you can just change the code, and recompile your solution and redeploy it
12 年 前
mm the code doesnt seems to work for me, im on 1.90 so i modified my AustraliaPostComputationMethod.cs to

            sb.AppendFormat("Pickup_Postcode={0}&", zipPostalCodeFrom);
            sb.AppendFormat("Destination_Postcode={0}&", zipPostalCodeTo);
            sb.AppendFormat("Country={0}&", countryCode);
            sb.AppendFormat("Service_Type={0}&", serviceType);
            sb.AppendFormat("Weight={0}&", weight);
            sb.AppendFormat("Length={0}&", length);
            sb.AppendFormat("Width={0}&", width);
            sb.AppendFormat("Height={0}&", height);
            sb.AppendFormat("Quantity={0}", quantity);

            //HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(AustraliaPostSettings.GatewayUrl) as HttpWebRequest;
            //request.Method = "POST";
            //request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
            //byte[] reqContent = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sb.ToString());
            //request.ContentLength = reqContent.Length;

            HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(sb.ToString()) as HttpWebRequest;
            request.Method = "GET";

            //using (Stream newStream = request.GetRequestStream())
            //    newStream.Write(reqContent, 0, reqContent.Length);

            WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
            string rspContent;
            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                rspContent = reader.ReadToEnd();
12 年 前
sorry my bad missing a ?


i had it like this


only realised when i debug it :)

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