Nop 2.10 Product_Picture_Mapping Error

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12 年 前
This use to work in 1.9 when writing to Nop_ProductPicture.

    INTO [Nop_ProductPicture]
Since Nop 1.8 I have been writing the picture,product,productvariant data straight to the DB.  In 2.10 that has somehow changed. When I try to create a Product_Picture_Mapping entry I get the following error:

The Insert Statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY restraint "'ProductPicture_Product.' The conflict occured in table 'NopDemo', table dbo.product, column 'ID.'

here is my statement:

INSERT INTO Product_Picture_Mapping



So the code use to work and now it does not. Any Suggestions?
Please tell me what I am doing wrong.


12 年 前
The FOREIGN KEY constraint requires that your ProductId must match an existing Id in the Product table
12 年 前
Yes, I know that and it does match a productid id in the product table. That is what is puzzling me. Like I said I am not a newbie at this and have had no problem with this code until they changed all the table names and fields in 2.0.
12 年 前
I feel like such a dummy. I mispelled one of my variables. It is A ok now.
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